Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Osama Bin Laden Video | He’s Now Working As A Security Guard In Columbia – Possibly

Posted: 17 Feb 2010 09:37 AM PST

If you were going to work in a job as dangerous as a security guard in a city as dangerous as Bogota in a country as dangerous as Columbia then hiw would you go about it?

One guy decided that the shock factor would be his best bet, so he dresses up as Osama Bin Laden when he’s on duty. Well, I presume it’s only when he’s on duty, as otherwise he would be a right weirdo.

As strange as this may at first appear, it seems the guy is getting results, with shopkeepers feeling safer, and people less likely to start causing trouble when Osama Bin Laden is standing in the street with a gun and a big dog.

OK, so it’s not really Bin Laden, and although the dog (not featured in the video) is real, the gun is not. But that doesn’t seem to matter as even the mere sight of the world’s most wanted man is enough to put the frighteners on people.

Epic Beard Man Fight Video | Vietnam Tom Beats A Black Guy Up On Bus – Video Legend

Posted: 17 Feb 2010 04:37 AM PST

This video shows Epic Beard Man, also known as Epic Beard Guy, Tom Slick, and Vietnam Tom, beating a black guy up on a city bus after the two get into a dumb fight seemingly over nothing.

Epic Beard Man is getting something of a reputation, as he’s previously been seen arguing with security guards at a baseball game for sitting in the wrong seat. And they taser him for that minor misdemeanor.

I personally do not approve of violence in any way, but this argument was only ever going to end up that way.

On the one hand you have a slightly mad Vietnam vet who obviously feels aggrieved at everything and everyone, and on the other you have a mouthy black guy determined not to lose face to an old white guy.

They both threaten each other before Epic Beard Man carries through on his promise to beat the crap out of the other guy. A few punches later and there’s blood all over the bus.

Love him or hate him I get the feeling we’ll be seeing more of Epic Beard Man.

ROFL: Web Series Exposes Best Upcoming Comics | Unedited Comedy Bits Weekly

Posted: 17 Feb 2010 12:53 AM PST

The problem with most stand-up comedy on TV is that it’s usually censored. What’s even worse is that if you don’t like a comic, tough. You have to wait until their entire set is finished.

ROFL eliminates both of these problems by providing a compilation of the best local comedy acts in major US cities every week. You might even recognize a few of them…

ROFL, which was formerly known as Rooftop Comedy, was picked up by Rivision3 recently and given a bigger budget. As a result, the show now features more widely known acts like Chris Porter and Roy Wood Jr. who’ve frequented Comedy Central numerous times.

In fact, a typical 10 minute episode runs a bit like an uncensored version of Premium Blend. The only things missing are a live band and a host, but who really needs those anyways?

Potheads, Pooping, and Condoms

A typical ROFL webisode covers numerous topics like the ones above. Catch new episodes weekly on Revision3.

[Click To Watch 'ROFL']

Watch New ‘Shift Happens’ World & Internet Facts Video | Life is Changing Fast

Posted: 16 Feb 2010 11:41 PM PST

Watch the latest version of the ‘Shift Happens’ from The Economist, updated for autumn 2009, and sit back in amazement at the way the world is changing.

To say the world is changing ‘fast’ seems like a major understatement given some of the facts cited in this video.

Who would have thought there would be a Guinness World Record for texting a 160-character text the fastest?

All these facts and figures are pretty amazing, but I would like more research to be done on how this is affecting our behaviour and psychology as humans.

Is all this social media and rapidly advancing technology helping us or hurting us?

‘Homeless’ Economics Major Lives Without Money (Video) | The ‘No Money Man’

Posted: 16 Feb 2010 08:57 PM PST

After being inspired by the movie Ghandi, Jon Henley decided that he would try to live the rest of his life without money.

It isn’t as rough as you’d think. In fact, I’m a bit jealous of the free food part myself.

The only material possession that Jon kept before he made is life-changing decision was a solar panel. With it, he powers his laptop and uses it to trade and/or ask for free things via online classifieds. For food, he goes dumpster diving and often gets a pretty decent meal.

Since I’ve worked at grocery stores, I know that management throws away pounds and pounds of food everyday because of company policies. Jon and his homeless friends take advantage of this system and (ironically) even criticize it.

Obama To Build Nuclear Power Plants Video | The End of Oil Dependence?

Posted: 16 Feb 2010 01:02 PM PST

President Obama is getting some heat by conservatives and environmentalists for his decision to back a new nuclear power plant.

Just hours ago he agreed to support an $8 billion loan to build America’s first new nuclear power plant in 30 years.

The words “safe” and “clean” don’t usually come to mind when I think of nuclear energy. I’ve always been a fan of geothermal energy, but today’s technology isn’t currently up to par to support most American industries.

Most of his speech concerned creating new jobs and eliminating the need for foreign oil dependence- and who doesn’t agree with that? “Make no mistake; whether it is nuclear energy, or solar or wind energy, if we fail to invest in these technologies today, we’ll be importing them tomorrow.”

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