Sunday, March 7, 2010

Razzies 2010 Winners Video | Sandra Bullock Accepts ‘Worst Actress Of 2009′ Award

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 07:40 AM PST

The Academy Awards are being held tonight. This annual love-in celebrates the best movies and acting performances of the previous year. All with a completely straight face.

The Razzies, meanwhile, are the antidote to the Oscars. This annual hatefest celebrates the worst movies and acting performances of the previous year. All with anything but a straight face.

The Razzies were held last night (March 6) and the full list of winners is now available. Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen won ‘Worst Picture’, the Jonas Brothers won ‘Worst Actor’, and Sandra Bullock won ‘Worst Actress’.

However, Bullock actually took it on the chin, turning up to accept her Razzie in typical good-humored style. She gave a long speech and handed out DVDs of All About Steve, the film she won for.

Good on her. It shows she has a sense of humor.

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