Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Electric Car From 1914 (Video) | This Machine Still Runs Great Today

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 10:58 AM PDT

Contrary to popular belief, electric cars existed before ones that ran off of oil and were (at one point in time) more popular. Of course, the standard has shifted today, but it’s interesting to see such a “relic” run just as great as it did almost 100 years ago.

Those wondering if this car has been modified from it’s original design are right. Obviously, this car has been through some repairs in the last 90 years or so in it’s life. The fact still remains, though, that this car was electric when it was manufactured in the 1910’s.

Up until oil was found in Texas in 1920, many investors back in the early 20th century were betting that the standard would be electric. Considering the decline of gas consumption today, it looks like they’ll be right in the long run- but it seems that we still have a bunch of years to achieve that standard.

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Movie Review | Bella, Edward, and Jacob’s Love Triangle

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 08:36 AM PDT

Let’s face it, you either love or hate the Twilight series. We’ve had all the four books, and the first two movies, enough for everyone to decide whether they’re interested or not.

Now it’s time for the third movie, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, and I suspect those who love the series will love it, while those who loathe the series will loathe it. Simples.

When choosing which review to post, I had to decide between this one, which is appreciative, and one from a guy who really cannot understand the appeal. But who will be searching for Eclipse reviews? Fans, of course.

I tried reading the first Twilight book and struggled to get to the end. However, I’ve enjoyed the first two movies, and Eclipse looks like being the best yet. So I think I’ll head out to see it at the cinema. Wearing a big hat so that no one recognizes me. Naturally.

Watch Why Canada Banking System is Better than USA Banks Video

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 08:34 AM PDT

The Canadian financial system has much more regulation than the US system, proving the many ways the US could have survived the financial crisis much better then it did.

So why isn’t the US checking out the awesome example their neighbors are setting?

“The banks are running this joint” is so far from a joke that it makes me sad.

Canada isn’t exactly half a world away from the US, so there is absolutely no excuse for a major reform of the system modeled on Canada’s system to take place.

I hate that the banks have so much control over everything. They like ruining lives.

Dog Vs. Vuvuzela Video | That’s Not Nice…

Posted: 29 Jun 2010 04:42 PM PDT

If you insist on freaking your dog out by blowing a vuvuzela in its face, then ensure you have a carpet cleaner and some air freshener to hand.

Anyone who has watched any of the matches at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa will no doubt be aware of a constant noise in the background. That noise is thousands of people blowing vuvuzelas.

Most humans find the sound of vuvuzelas annoying, which has led to many complaints and a desire to see them banned. But it appears dogs dislike these cheap, brightly-colored instruments as well.

This particular dog dislikes it so much that he takes a leak on the carper when his owners wind him up with one. Which serves them right. In fact, I wish it had taken a dump at the same time to really get the message across.

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