Sunday, March 14, 2010

How To Adjust To Daylight Savings Time Video | What Time Is It After DST Has Kicked In?

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 09:26 AM PDT

If you’re in the U.S. then you’ve just embarked on your annual episode of time traveling to the future. Don’t worry, you’ll return to the past in the Fall. But how to cope with the change to Daylight Savings Time?

If you need help in doing so then check out this Howcast How To guide intended to help your body and mind cope with the jump more effectively.

Personally, I find this advice all a little over the top; it’s only one hour after all! If it was six hours then I’d need help, but one hour? I think I can cope pretty effectively.

DST was introduced during World War I to ensure people were using the daylight to its full extent rather than relying on artificial light instead. How strange that we’ve now come full circle so that saving energy is once again seen as the most important thing in the world.

And if you want to check what time it is actually meant to be where you are, take a look at The World Clock.

Adorable Pet Lamb Video | Very Cute, No Sense of Direction

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 01:35 PM PST

What your weekend needs is a dose of cute. Cue this adorable, but kind of stupid, lamb.

Yes it’s very easy to gush over this baby sheep, her fuzzy coat, and her excitable gamboling. But you can’t help but shake your head at her at the same time.

Whenever her owner calls out “Where’s Bea?” the lamb responds by running across the screen excitably. The only problem is that she doesn’t seem to know how to get to her owner.

By the close of the video, Bea figures things out but it's too late. We’ve already made our verdict. This is one gorgeous, but totally clueless, lamb!

Train Vs Flood Video | Man Overcomes Nature

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 12:13 PM PST

Nature can obviously be a very powerful and scary voice. I’m thinking earthquakes, tsunami, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. However, man and machine can sometimes overcome nature. And it’s awesome to watch.

Having already documented a train clearing snow in a spectacular show of engineering winning out over nature, it’s now time to see what happens if it’s train vs. flood instead of train vs. snow.

This footage was shot in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and it shows a train continuing on its journey despite the presence of a massive flood up ahead. While the people shield their faces, the train carries on through, creating its own mini-tsunami as it does so.

As well as the wall of water looking awesome, I particularly like the way the pedestrians take the whole thing in their stride, stopping momentarily before continuing on their journey. I guess this is a regular occurrence.

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