Based on Frank Miller's startling vision of a Batman set in a dark 1980's dystopian future, the DC animated feature Batman: The Dark Knight Returns continues. In the first installment, Bruce Wayne was stirred from a stupor out of retirement and back onto the streets of Gotham where a street gang known as the Mutants ruled through fear and intimidation. Once more donning his costume, Batman used the very same weapons against the criminals and defeated their leader in gladiatorial combat.
In the sequel, Batman transforms the Mutants from an unruly rabble into a devoted army of followers. As chaos reigns, Batman takes his war against crime to the highest level... and no one is above his law.
BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, PART 2, the next entry in the popular, ongoing series of DC Universe Animated Original Movies, arrives January 29 from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment as a Blu-ray™ Combo Pack and DVD, On Demand and for Download. The PG-13 film is produced by Warner Premiere, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation.
For anyone who enjoyed the Bruce Timm Batman Animated Series and the Chris Nolan Dark Knight feature film trilogy, this animated movie in two parts combines elements of both through the adaptation of Frank Miller's four issue comic book. Here we see a version of Batman who is weighed down by his legacy and must face up to the harsh reality of a world on the brink of destruction.
Full trailer
I was very impressed with the first part of Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and felt that in many ways it improved upon a story that had become dated and familiar. I have heard that the sequel continues in this vein and look forward to watching it at the end of the month.
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2