Tuesday, July 6, 2010



Dalai Lama Birthday Video | Tibet’s Spiritual Leader Turns 75 – Not That China Cares

Posted: 06 Jul 2010 08:12 AM PDT

The Dalai Lama is 75-years-old today. Not that the Chinese authorities are exactly celebrating. In fact, they claim not to even know it’s his birthday. the party poopers.

For those who don’t know, the Dalai Lama is Tibet’s spiritual leader, who now has to live in exile outside of the country’s border. He has done since 1959, nine years after China took the country over by marching troops in.

Ever since then, the Dalai Lama has been the focal point for a worldwide effort to secure democracy and independence for Tibet.

The Dalai Lama’s birthday celebrations are obviously mixed with an element of sadness, due to him having spent 50 years peacefully fighting against Chinese rule. Still, a birthday is a birthday, and 75 isn’t a bad age to reach.

Dirty Dancing Fail Video | College Students on Spring Break Learn Dangers of Pelvic Thrust

Posted: 05 Jul 2010 04:53 PM PDT

Spring break is a time to forget about your college classes and let your hair down. But perhaps this dancing couple should rein it in a little bit.

They’re trying out some amazing moves that seem to draw influences from the world of martial arts and S&M. But then it all goes horribly wrong, and as they’re on a stage the entire gathering can see it.

The stage is really what makes this misstep so much more awful and, for the viewer, delicious.

Ordinarily I don’t like videos that show us countless replays, but this is footage that deserves to be seen again, and again, and again.

Mark Ronson & The Business Intl Video | Q-Tip, MNDR Guest On ‘Bang Bang Bang’

Posted: 05 Jul 2010 04:21 PM PDT

Songs rarely grab me as quickly as this one did. On first listen, I loved it, and that hasn’t gone away with subsequent listens. It’s what some would call an earworm, a song which burrows into your ear canal where it stays for days, weeks, or even months.

The song in question is Bang Bang Bang by Mark Ronson & The Business Intl. It features guest vocals from Q-Tip, whose smooth voice never disappoints, and MNDR, who I’d never heard of before this, but who I now can’t get enough of.

The song is really damn catchy, so much so I cannot get it out of my head no matter how hard I try.

The video is also really good, showing Ronson as a guest on a TV show who demonstrates his new big thing. That thing turns out to be the power to conjure keyboards and vocalists out of thin air.

Quality tune.

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