Saturday, March 6, 2010

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Hilarious Japanese Game Show Video | Ten, Ten, Ten, Ten, Ten, Ten, Ten, Ten, Ten, One

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 10:47 AM PST

This video is a hilarious clip from a Japanese game show. Now, Japanese game shows aren’t quite like game shows we have in other parts of the world. They’re mad, essentially, with strange set ups, and violence and humiliation all over the shop.

This clip seems to revolve around the idea of being able to stifle laughter. If you laugh, you’re out, being hit by shinai (bamboo sword) on your way out of the door. The problem is that what they’re being made to watch is very funny indeed.

On the monitor in front of them is a video of a Japanese guy who has only ever learned how to say English numbers up to 19. Any higher than that and he kind of makes it up using his ingenuity.

While his methodology of saying ten repeatedly enough times to add up to the higher numbers, it’s also hilarious to see. Which is good for us watching from afar but not good for those in the room being hit every time they crack a smile.

12 Monkeys In 2 Minutes Video | Terry Gilliam, Bruce Willis Best Movie Condensed

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 05:46 AM PST

There are certain films that stand the test of time and prove to be much more respected in the longterm than they are at the time of release. So it is with 12 Monkeys.

Those who haven’t seen the film should probably avoid watching this video as it condenses the whole thing into just two minutes. It’s enough to ruin the movie but doesn’t do it justice one iota.

12 Monkeys is undoubtedly Terry Gilliam’s best film. In fact, it’s the only one I’ve ever wanted to watch more than once. It’s also Bruce Willis’ best acting performance purely because he does something different than what we’re used to. There are no “Yippee kay yay, motherfuckers” here.

I’d love to see Willis do more films like this. He’s clearly a brilliant actor when he puts his mind to it, but he unfortunately is more likely to keep making Die Hard movies until he needs to use a walking stick to get around.

Funny “Life in Quarantine” Music Video | Australia’s Fully Sick Rapper

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 01:08 AM PST

Life in quarantine must suck. You can either lose your mind, or write a rap song about it. Or perhaps if you’re the Fully Sick Rapper, you will do both.

This Aussie used in time in isolation to pen this very funny rap song. He probably won’t challenge Snoop Dogg or Kanye for a chart position, but his ditty about disease makes a nice change from the songs about bitches, hoes, and bling.

At least he’s putting his illness to good use. This video has had more than a 100, 000 hits since it was posted less than a month ago and he’s got a swag of Twitter followers! Once he leaves hospital, the sky’s the limit!

Funny America Fuck Yeah! (Music Video) | Cheesy 80’s Satire Of Western Culture

Posted: 05 Mar 2010 08:19 PM PST

I’m an American, but sometimes I feel like our nation has too many bad stereotypes associated with it. Tons of these can be seen in this funny satire video which “glorifies” everything in our western culture.

Did I mention it’s set to the cheesiest 80’s music ever?

McDonalds, Bed Bath & Beyond, Baseball, Internet; the list of great things made in America goes on. Unfortunately, those aren’t all the things that come to mind when mentioning the United States. On behalf of my fellow Americans let me be the first to say that I’m not really proud of Slavery or Taco Bell.

Like it or not, this video points out some of the most popular things in American culture that have spread around the world. Oh, and the clips of bombing other countries in between topics is a nice touch too.

Amazing Slow-Motion Pedigree Dog Food Advertisement Video | Pups Get Snacks in Slo Mo

Posted: 05 Mar 2010 03:36 PM PST

We have a theory here at WebTVHub that everything looks better in slow motion. That goes double for these hungry pooches.

In this new ad for Pedigree dog food we watch pups enjoying a snack. It doesn’t sound very exciting until you slow it down.

That’s when we get the gentle nuances, the look of excitement and expectation as they spy the snack, the joy as they head towards it, that bliss as they crunch, and the smack of a satisfied tongue.

This is one effective advertising campaign. It doesn’t just hold your interest to the very end; it also makes you want to make your own dog this happy with a serve of doggie treats!

Rogue Wave Hits Cruise Ship Video | Terrifying Titanic Moment Caught On Camera

Posted: 05 Mar 2010 11:56 AM PST

I’ve never been great with the sea. It’s one of those natural phenomena that scares the crap out of me by its sheer power and unstoppable force.

Which is why this video is terrifying to watch. It shows the moment a rogue wave hit a Mediterranean cruise ship off the coast of Spain yesterday (March 4), smashing out windows and filling the deck with water.

Sadly, two people were killed in this incident, while many other were injured by flying glass. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to be on board the ship, as watching it from afar afterwards is enough for me.

While the Titanic obviously under different circumstances, this video immediately makes me think of the movie. Water gushing in and around what is meant to be a floating harbor just doesn’t bear thinking about.

The fact that rogue waves are thought to be fairly common (1 in 3000) puts me off boarding a ship ever again.

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