Thursday, May 23, 2013

[New post] Rifftrax takes on Dr. Who and the Daleks

dailypop posted: "As a Whovian, I had long detested the Peter Cushing Dr. Who movie. I was coming into the mythology and learning all of the factoids and characters only to discover there was an actual big budget movie I had never heard of before! One exciting Saturday aft"

[New post] This week at your comic shop – 5/22/13

dailypop posted: "For the complete list of this week's comics, click here. Not sure where your local comic shop is? Try!(note: all information including ad copy is from the publisher) If you can't make it to the shop, just click on any of the images be"

Get In the Driver's Seat with Car and Driver Magazine

Accelerate your passion Car and Driver Magazine i...