Sunday, June 13, 2010

Forgetting Sarah Marshall Movie Trailer Video | Film Which Spawned Get Him To The Greek

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 09:03 AM PDT

Get Him To The Greek is a new movie currently tearing up the box office. It’s the best comedy of the year so far, being described as this year’s The Hangover.

But the new movie is actually a spin-off of a previous film, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which starred Jason Segel, Kristin Bell, Mila Kunis and Russell Brand. Brand plays Aldous Snow, the same character as he plays in Get Him To The Greek.

If you’ve been to see Get Him To The Greek and enjoyed it, then it’s probably worth seeking out Forgetting Sarah Marshall on DVD or TV. Jonah Hill only has a small part in the latter, but the two films share a sense of humor.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a decent film but Get Him To The Greek is funnier. And it has Diddy in it, playing a record company executive, providing the celebrity comic relief.

Watch Anti iPad Porn Ban Activists Video | Freedom From Steve Jobs

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 09:57 PM PDT

Steve Jobs has recently announced his intent to ‘free’ the internet world – and the iPad – from porn.

Well, some people didn’t take too kindly to their so-called liberation…

Ah, Steve-o. Don’t you think enough people hate you, Apple and iEverything already? Or are you going for a record.

I’m not going to sit here and rabbit on about advocating porn. I’m just going to point out an incredibly clever way to fight back for what you believe in.

If you think about it, creating those stickers to go over those ads would have taken an incredible amount of work.

Well done.

Watch Funny Animated ‘Osmosis Jones’ Movie Trailer Video | Starring Bill Murray & Chris Rock

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 09:31 PM PDT

Osmosis Jones is a half animated, half live action movie starring Bill Murray and Chris Rock that gets down and dirty when it comes to defending your body against germs.

What a zit.

Ugh. I could have gone the rest of my life happily ignorant of one of the grossest scenes I have ever seen from this movie: the zit scene.


That aside, I remember watching this movie and quite enjoying it despite its particularly gross moments. I suppose you can only expect that from a movie about germs and bodily functions.

Even so, if they come out with Osmosis Jones 2, I think I’ll skip it.

Paul McCartney and Stars Join Barack Obama for “Hey Jude” White House Sing-a-Long Video

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 04:13 PM PDT

If you were wondering why Barack Obama is so cool, you only have to look at the company he keeps. This week he was mixing it with celebrity A-Listers when the White House hosted The Gershwin Prize for Popular Song ceremony commemorating Sir Paul McCartney.

Barack and his family joined Paul and a host of other stars on stage in this rousing rendition of “Hey Jude.”

What I love most about this clip is spotting the famous faces. Where else will you find legends like Stevie Wonder and Emmylou Harris sharing the spotlight with Dave Grohl and Jack White, or even stranger, Jerry Seinfeld and a Jonas brother?

Technically this isn’t the best performance of “Hey Jude” I’ve seen, but it is one of the most fun.

Jackie Chan Hates Karate Kids Video | Kung-Fu Master Has Had Enough Of Brats

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 02:56 PM PDT

Jackie Chan is kick-ass. No, not the character from the recent superhero movie, but proper kick-ass as in he can kick anyone’s ass. And it doesn’t matter that he’s now getting on a bit; he’s still harder than me or you.

The problem is, he’s had enough of kids thinking they’re hard enough to have a go at him. So he’s fighting back, no mercy.

Using a selection of clips from all of Chan’s movies, including the upcoming Karate Kid remake, this video clip shows Chan kicking kids’ asses in a multitude of different ways.

The best comes at the end when he shoots a girl dead while she’s in mid-air daring to launch a flying kick at Jackie.

There’s something seriously wrong with this video, but it doesn’t matter. Seeing Chan kick anyone’s ass is awesome; kids included.

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