Thursday, June 24, 2010

Julia Gillard Becomes First Australian Female Prime Minister Press Conference News Video

Posted: 24 Jun 2010 01:40 AM PDT

Australian history has been made today, with Julia Gillard becoming the country’s first female prime minister. Here is her first speech as PM.

Her appointment was not without controversy however. It came as a result of a leadership challenge against former prime minister Kevin Rudd. With his approval rating falling faster than a skydiver, the political party was left with no other option.

So now we have our first female prime minister, our first non-married prime minister, and our first redhead in the top job! It’s definitely a day for change in Australia, but it remains to be seen whether Miss Gillard has what it takes to turn things around.

Pirates Of The Caribbean Japanese Talent Show (Video) | Johnny Depp Is Amazed

Posted: 23 Jun 2010 09:07 PM PDT

Is it just me or are Asian kids unfairly more talented than other kids?

This re-enactment of ‘Pirates of The Caribbean’ may be done by 7 year-old Japanese children, but it’s amazing nevertheless. Even Johnny Depp is blown away!

Just when you thought a kid who could play the Pirates theme song was amazing, a bunch of pirates emerge behind the piano and start flinging swords. Their movements are so coordinated that it’s hard to believe they only had 2-weeks of rehearsal.

The cutest part has to be the moment after they finish and start saying their names. It’s almost as if they’re real-life anime characters!

The Gruen Transfer Pitch Advertisement Video | How Do You Sell Asbestos, Canada?

Posted: 23 Jun 2010 06:35 PM PDT

In one of its most popular segments, Australian television program The Gruen Transfer challenges advertising agencies to sell the unsellable. This week they took on a little Canadian town with an unlovable name, Asbestos.

But the beauty of a good advertising agency is that they can make even the most unlovable destination seem like one you’d want to explore. And if it can make you laugh along the way, than that’s so much the better.

This was this week’s winning ad, one that takes you on a journey through so many of the world’s unfortunately named location. Perhaps you’ll put them on your next travel itinerary!

Stunning Dancing Robots Video | Little Guys Synchronized To Dance To Classical Music

Posted: 23 Jun 2010 12:11 PM PDT

I’m constantly amazed by what is possible with robots.

It wasn’t that long ago that robots were a vision for the future, with those 1950s commercials imagining a time when robots helped us out. That vision is now coming true, although dancing seems to be the order of the day rather than housework.

This video shows dozens of little humanoid robots dancing to classical music. The whole thing is synchronized really well, both in terms of the music, and in terms of each robot working together to create a spectacle.

I watched this video all the way through thoroughly ensconced in the spectacle.

It makes me want to work in robotics, because I imagine the satisfaction when a feat like this is managed is amazing. But I wouldn’t have the patience, nor the knowhow, obviously. So I’ll leave it to the experts.

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