Friday, April 9, 2010

God Of War III Review Video | Zero Punctuation Gives Kratos & Co. A Beating

Posted: 09 Apr 2010 09:19 AM PDT

God Of War III is the latest (and supposedly last) game in the God Of War series. The first two GoW titles appeared on the PS2, but God Of War III is now a Playstation 3 exclusive.

The game has been getting great reviews from all quarters, but that doesn’t mean squat when Zero Punctuation gets its hands on the game. Does Ben Yahtzee ‘Croshaw’ like the game? Is the Pope a Muslim?

OK, maybe that’s a little unfair. It’s not as though Yahtzee hates God Of War III; in fact, saying “God Of War III is fun, I suppose” is about as complimentary as he gets. But it’s feint praise at best in the big scheme of things.

I think the problem is that GoW 3 is just too samey. It really does follow the same plot as the previous two games, and gives you roughly the same weapons and finishing moves to kill the bad guys off with.

If you liked the first two games and want more of the same, then God Of War III should fill you with utter joy. Otherwise, maybe try something new and innovative.

Tiger Woods Bootyism Banner Video | Airplane Jibe At Tiger During U.S. Masters

Posted: 09 Apr 2010 04:18 AM PDT

Tiger Woods is making his return to golf at the 2010 U.S. Masters after taking a break from the sport following the revelations about his personal life – in essence, he was sleeping around behind his wife’s back… a lot.

The PGA has tried to shield Woods from any offensive jokes at his expense, but some have got through. Including this banner strung from the back of a light aircraft flying over the Augusta course.

The banner reads, “Tiger, did you mean Bootyism?” and is a reference to Buddhism, the religion he is alleged to practice.

Shortly after this plane had circled a few times, another one turned up, this time with a banner which read, "Sex Addict? Yeah. Right. Sure. Me Too." Clearly mocking the whole idea that you can be addicted to sex, and that’s a valid excuse.

Seriously, what did Tiger expect to happen? I don’t think his personal life is really any of our business, but after it came out it’s open season on the guy really. And will likely be for a few more months to come. Until everyone gets bored and moves on to the next stupid celebrity.

Sweet Baby Otter and Kitten Become Friends Video

Posted: 08 Apr 2010 06:07 PM PDT

This video has all the right ingredients to warm your heart: an animal that survived against the odds, a little inter-species loving, and not one but two baby critters!

This adorable otter pup found a new home with this charming Scottish lass, who helped to nurse him back to health. He also found a new playmate in her cute kitten.

For the most part, these gorgeous babies are the best of friends. That is, until fish enters into the equation. Both would happily fight the other to the death for a sliver of fresh salmon. But once tummies are full all is forgiven and the cute critter cuddling ensues!

7.2 Mexicali, Baja California Earthquake (Video) | 3 Tremors In 3 Days

Posted: 08 Apr 2010 02:59 PM PDT

Mexicali, known as the nothern most city in Latin America, has been having earthquakes for the past week in intervals. This is footage captured after a 7.2 earthquake.

Having never been an an earthquake this footage is pretty interesting to me. The mountains in this clip look like something out of a disaster movie.

I’d really have to be a resident of Baja California right now. Earthquakes with magnitudes of 7.2, 4.5 and 5.3 hit in the past 3 days. So far, 2 have been confirmed dead.

I’m not a geologist, but I’m guessing the tremors have something to do with the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones that also affect Califonia.

Funny Ridiculous Indian Karate (Video) | Horrible Combo Of Dancing And Fighting

Posted: 08 Apr 2010 02:17 PM PDT

If you enjoy clips like the ‘absolute cheesiest fight scene ever,’ then you’re going to love this Bollywood fight scene.

Is anyone in America capable of landing 6 kicks on an opponent before touching the ground? How about front kicking after doing a backflip in mid-air? In an Indian karate movie anything is possible.

There are so many ridiculous moments in this short clip that it’s hard to pick out the realism. As soon as I saw the cutaway back-flipping at the 19 second mark I couldn’t help but crack up.

And just when you think the scene can’t get any more ridiculous there’s a little dance number at the very end. Classic.

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