Tuesday, May 11, 2010



Celiac Disease Video | What Is It? What Are The Symptoms? Eating A Gluten-Free Diet

Posted: 11 May 2010 09:02 AM PDT

Celiac disease is a disorder of the small intestine caused by a reaction to gliadin, a protein found in gluten. This means eating foods containing wheat is literally off the menu, with a gluten-free diet the only treatment.

The big problem with celiac disease is actually being diagnosed. Although common symptoms include weight loss, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, chronic fatigue, and mouth ulcers, not everyone experiences these, or indeed any, symptoms.

About 1 in 100 people is estimated to have celiac disease, although not all of them have been diagnosed, obviously.

Once diagnosed, the only treatment at present is cutting gluten out of your diet altogether which, although annoying, is easy to come to terms with. And once done, the symptoms and risks of serious complications disappear or at least lessen considerably.

Watch National Prayer Day Ruled Unconstitutional News Video | Wrong or Right?

Posted: 10 May 2010 07:46 PM PDT

National Prayer Day has been ruled unconstitutional, and Dan Baker – the cofounder for the Freedom of Religion Foundation – defends the ruling.

While I am not particularly religious myself, I found myself a little on the fence about this issue when I first started watching this video.

However, Barker makes a valid point: Do people really need the government to hold their hand to be able to pray?

I think it would be best if religion and government just stayed away from each other, but that seems to be harder and harder to do.

This is a good step in the right direction to start separating things.

Watch Puma and LPGA Golfer Erica Blasberg Interview Video | RIP Young Woman

Posted: 10 May 2010 07:08 PM PDT

Watch this interview with golfer Erica Blasberg, who was found – according to reports – dead on Sunday.

It always sucks to see someone so young, not to mention so talented, die. At this time, she died of unknown causes, but you have to wonder with an athlete her age.

Erica was in her sixth season on the LPGA Tour, having turned professional in 2004 and joining the tour a year later. She was known to friends and family as a devoted, wonderful person.

To be certain, more details surrounding her death will be released in the coming days. There hasn’t been any speculation as to the cause yet.

Amazing Hamster Runs Obstacle Course Video | Rodents Shows Dog-Like Skills

Posted: 10 May 2010 05:33 PM PDT

It seems to me that dogs get more than their fair share of praise. Canine lovers seem to believe pooches are superior to all pets out there, but I’ve seen evidence to the contrary. You don’t need a prize-winning show dog to run an intricate obstacle course; just a humble hamster.

OK, so this adorable rodent may be a little more skilled than your average hamster. But it’s fascinating watching him complete this complicated course. Nothing stumps him; he flies through each and every stunt with ease.

I’m personally glad for the action replay too; that particular stretch of the course was my favorite as well!

Strange Make-Up Video | Forget Battery-Powered Mascara, Shake Your Head Instead

Posted: 10 May 2010 02:24 PM PDT

There are a number of people offering make-up tips on YouTube these days. Some of whom have forged new careers from doing so. But this lady maybe shouldn’t give up the day job, as she comes across as a little strange.

Women can, apparently, now buy a mascara applier which has a battery included to make it vibrate. But you don’t need to buy anything fancy like that when you can just shake your head instead.

No, I’m serious, or rather she is. If the mascara won’t vibrate, then make your head do so.

This method probably does work, and if you’re sitting alone in front of your mirror then no harm done. Unfortunately, this lady decides to video herself using the method and post it to YouTube. And she looks mental. Funny though.

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