Thursday, August 19, 2010

Facebook Places Video | Social Network Launches Foursquare, Gowalla Competition

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 09:05 AM PDT

Have you ever used one of the burgeoning location-based services such as Foursquare and Gowalla? The chances are that you haven’t because the mainstream isn’t generally on board with the technology yet.

However, with Facebook joining the throng with Facebook Places, maybe that will all change. With Facebook now boasting in excess of 500 million users, there’s certainly a big userbase waiting to be utilized.

Facebook Places is, in essence, an addition to Facebook which lets people share where they are and tell a story from that location. The idea is that friends can then meet them there or read the notes they made when they visited.

I won’t be using Facebook Places as I don’t like the idea of sharing my location with all and sundry on the Web. It’s hardly the most sensible idea. Facebook clearly thinks location-based services have a future, but I personally can’t see it.

Watch Super Cute Humbolt Penguins Chase a Butterfly Video | Come Back!

Posted: 18 Aug 2010 07:40 PM PDT

A group of Humbolt penguins catches a glimpse of a butterfly and hurry to follow it along. Bow to the cuteness.

I am not sure what is funnier – the penguins or the people making the commentary. It’s always funny to hear adults talking all cutesy.

Then again, it’s hard to not talk this way when you are looking at such a prime example of uber cuteness.

I think I was wrong when I answered ‘wolf’ to all of those ‘if you could be any animal, what would you be’ questions as a kid.

Looks to me like penguins have a lot more fun.

Watch ZooGue Smart Case for iPad Review Video | Funtional and Flexible

Posted: 18 Aug 2010 07:11 PM PDT

Someone finally seems to have gotten it right when it comes to creating an iPad case that is not only easy to use but versatile as well.

25 year old Tim Angel is the young businessman behind this little piece of genius that has caught the attention of even Rush Limbaugh.

Of course, after Rush mentioned it on his radio show as a good product that many people are singing the praises of, the site to buy the product crashed due to traffic.

The Zoogue case goes for $49.99. It is also important to note that $1.00 from every case sale is donated to The Make a Wish Foundation.

Roger Federer Trick Tennis Shots Video | Real or Fake?

Posted: 18 Aug 2010 05:25 PM PDT

Roger Federer is regarded by many as the greatest tennis player playing the game today, but does that mean he can really pull off such an amazing trick shot? You be the judge.

This video is supposed to show behind the scenes footage from a recent Gillette television commercial. In it we see Federer smash a can from a crew members head, William Tell style, not once, but twice. Or do we?

The internet is buzzing with rumors that this footage has been doctored, but then again that’s nothing new for something that seems too good to be believed.

Apparently tech blog Mashable contacted Gillette to get the inside scoop, but they refused to buy into the controversy. They say they’ll leave the debate up to the viewers, but added that “the evidence is there to see.”

So what do you think readers? Real or fake?

Obama Backs Mosque At Ground Zero (Video) | “Religious Freedom Must Be Unshakable”

Posted: 18 Aug 2010 04:41 PM PDT

I’m no longer a Muslim, but this clip is definitely the most tolerant speech concerning Islam that I’ve seen a President make. In fact, the same day this statement was made, the Muslim holiday Ramadan was celebrated at the White House.

This is definitely something that President Bush would have never done in a million years.

There have been protests and petitions against the “Ground Zero Mosque” (which was approved by the city) and I, for one, am glad that Obama stepped up to defend religious freedom.

Being Atheist, I can see that this is definitely a step in the right direction.

BBC Weatherman Rude Gesture Video | Tomasz Schafernaker Gives The Finger

Posted: 18 Aug 2010 03:01 PM PDT

The BBC is known for its prim and proper austerity and authority. But times change, and the people working at the British broadcaster have changed their attitude somewhat. Clearly.

This video shows the moment at which BBC weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker is caught on camera giving the finger to BBC News anchor Simon McCoy. Well, kind of.

He actually begins the process but changes his mind when he realizes the camera has switched to him. So he scratches his chin instead, making out that was his intention all along. But it clearly wasn’t.

The BBC has now apologized after Sky News picked up on the incident and blew it out of all proportion. As they would, with the intent to discredit the BBC for their own ends.

But I applaud Schafernaker, because not only has he got a brilliant name, he also refused to stand for McCoy’s snide comments. good for him.

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