Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo 2010 Video | Celebrate Everything Mexican On May 5, For No Reason!

Posted: 05 May 2010 08:27 AM PDT

Today is Cinco de Mayo. Which basically translates as May 5 in English. It’s an annual celebration of all things Mexican commemorated around the word but mainly in the United States. Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

Cinco de Mayo actually commemorates the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Pueblo on May 5, 1862. It’s not a national holiday in Mexico and, despite some claims, isn’t Mexico’s Independence Day, that occurring on September 16 every year.

But so what. Who needs a reason to eat fajitas, enchilados, burritos, and to drink Sol, Corona, and tequila? Any excuse will do me, as that’s a good night right there.

As a Brit, I’m sure I’m in the minority in commemorating Cinco de Mayo. However, that fact that it celebrates a French military defeat is good enough reason to do so. I kid, of course.

Funny Ending Women’s Suffrage (Video) | Sexist Prank On All-Girls School

Posted: 04 May 2010 09:30 PM PDT

You’d think that student’s from an all-girl’s school would probably know that “women’s suffrage” has nothing to to with suffering and pain, but for some reason tons of them sign a petition against it.

Much like Penn & Teller’s petition of H2O, this clip shows that most idiots will sign anything if it’s cool and popular.

According to many linguists, body language and vocal tone express a lot more than the actual words uttered in a conversation. After all, the phrase “putting a stop to women’s suffrage any way we can” doesn’t sounds as sexist when told in a positive manner.

The funniest moments of the clip have to be when entire groups of girls seem to support the idea; a textbook example of the dangers of group think.

Amazing Parkour Urban Gymnast Video | Damien Walters Takes On Urban Jungle

Posted: 04 May 2010 04:37 PM PDT

If you thought the gymnasts at the Olympics were impressive, then prepare to be dazzled by parkour enthusiast Damien Walters. For those not in the know, parkour is a kind of urban gymnastics where the city becomes your playground.

When you’re vaulting over fences and jumping between buildings, there are no mats or safety nets. Not that it seems to faze Damien, who literally throws himself into his death-defying stunts.

I was particularly impressed by his string of flips completed while getting dressed. Who says men can’t multitask? Yes, it’s just showing off, but I’m awed nonetheless!

Apple iPad Destroyed Video | What Happens When You Stick An iPad In A Microwave?

Posted: 04 May 2010 12:13 PM PDT

Actually, it’s a bit of a loaded question; what do you think happens when you stick an iPad in a microwave? The obvious!

This video is a little longer than it needs to be, so if you want to skip to the start of the fun start watching the video at 3:30 minutes.

The end result is a charred mess, unsurprisingly. But it’s fun watching how the iPad gets to that stage. The microwave itself doesn’t do well out of the deal either, so that’s two expensive gadgets destroyed in one pointless exercise.

This iPad, or at least the burned remains of this iPad, are now listed to buy on eBay as a work of art. Each to their own I guess. Personally, I’d have preferred a working version of the Apple tablet.

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