Thursday, April 8, 2010

Stupid Dog Growls At Own Foot Video | You Know Your Pet Has Lost It When This Happens

Posted: 08 Apr 2010 08:57 AM PDT

How can you tell when the family dog has mental health problems? When it growls at its own foot, that’s when. I hate to say it but if this dog were mine he’d be straight to the vet for being an absolute nut-job.

OK, maybe that’s a little harsh, but this dog clearly isn’t all there.

Being a cat lover at heart, I don’t really understand the fascination with dogs and their smelly, aggressive natures. Cats are much more civilized creatures, not being so dependent on their human masters as dogs are.

But this one looks like he could use a friend, a playmate, someone real to fight over a bone with. And when that isn’t forthcoming, he instead takes to warning his own foot to resist stealing the bone from his mouth.

And what do the owners do? Laugh in his face and video the whole thing for the entertainment of the masses on the Internet. Brilliant.

New Tiger Woods Nike Commercial Video | Earl Woods Asks Him WTF He Was Thinking

Posted: 08 Apr 2010 02:53 AM PDT

At least that’s the essence of what Earl Woods asks his son, Tiger, in this new commercial for Nike. What makes this so intriguing is that Earl died in 2006, long before Tiger’s reputation took a battering.

I can’t quite believe Nike has stuck by Tiger, and decided to use the publicity surrounding his extra-marital affairs as the basis for a new commercial. But that’s exactly what has happened.

We get to see Tiger putting on his woeful, hangdog, “I’m really very sorry everyone” face while his dead father fires questions at him. Am I the only one who finds that just a little strange?

The fact is that Woods has no need to apologize to anyone but his wife. The public seems to think it owns celebrities these days, and therefore has some sort of right to feel aggrieved when they mess up. But we really don’t.

Lin Yu Chun Does Whitney Houston on “Super Star Avenue” Video | Chubby Thai the Next Susan Boyle?

Posted: 07 Apr 2010 06:20 PM PDT

Ever since the world discovered Susan Boyle on Britain’s Got Talent they’ve been on the look out for the next Susan Boyle. Now the global media is buzzing that we might have just found the new SuBo. Meet Thailand’s Lin Yu Chun.

Now of course Lin yu Chun is a chubby Asian man rather than a dowdy Scottish woman, but this is another case of an unlikely package delivering a heavenly voice.

After many years watching American Idol auditions I know that not everyone can, or should, sing Whitney Houston. Hell, these days even Whitney Houston shouldn’t sing Whitney Houston. But Li Yu Chun definitely should!

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