Monday, October 11, 2010

Banksy Simpsons Title Sequence Video | Graffiti Artist Goes Dark For Bart & Co.

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 07:00 AM PDT

If you ask a subversive graffiti artist to direct your title sequence then you should expect something cutting and controversial. But I think Matt Groening may have got more than he bargained for with Banksy.

Banksy is a graffiti artist in London whose work transcends your typical vandalizing of buildings. Some of his stuff is amazing, and all of it is imaginative and clever. Which is why Banksy has crossed over to the mainstream.

He’s now so mainstream, in fact, that he was asked to direct the title sequence for The Simpsons one week. He did so, and the results are, well, frankly unbelievable.

The sequence shows how Banksy supposes The Simpsons merchandise is made – with a sweatshop where kittens are killed to stuff Bart dolls and a chained unicorn’s horn is used to pierce the holes in the middle of the DVDs.

So, not controversial at all then.

Luke and Joel Party on “The X Factor Australia” Video | Fun Take on Outkast’s “Hey Ya!”

Posted: 10 Oct 2010 10:21 PM PDT

The X Factor competition tends to bring together the best voices in the country. And then there are the acts like Luke and Joel, who manage to win over the crowds with their sparkling personalities.

Luke and Joel aren’t even close to the best singers in the Australian competition, but their rendition of Outkast’s “Hey Ya!” was my favorite performance of the night. They wowed me simply because they answered the brief and delivered a party anthem.

I don’t think there was a person left sitting while the boys encouraged the audience to “shake it like a Polaroid picture.” If that’s not a party I don’t know what is!

Crazy Preacher Claims To Cure AIDS (Video) | Babbling Televangelist Kerney Thomas

Posted: 10 Oct 2010 09:15 PM PDT

If you’ve never heard to Kerney Thomas, you’re lucky. The man is all over local stations in the South- especially in Texas. Sometimes when I have nothing better to do at 7AM I admit to watching some of his babbling purely for comedic relief.

Take this clip for example, where he claims to clean a young woman’s body of AIDS.

Sure, it’s funny to watch how gullible some people are on TV, but this clip also has a darker side to it. Obviously the poor girl who called in was in desperate need for help- what if she actually believed the man? Planning to live a long life when you’re dying isn’t great advice at all!

Aside from performing his “healing powers,” Kerney often asks viewers to “sew seeds” or donate to him because those who do will be more blessed. In other words, this guy is a legal scam artist.

Watch What Americans Do & Don’t Know About Religion Video | Basic Knowledge Lacking

Posted: 10 Oct 2010 07:51 PM PDT

For a country with such a firm stake in faith and religion, a recent survey shows that a shocking amount of Americans lack even basic religious knowledge.

Okay, I couldn’t help it; I laughed when I saw that atheists and agnostics scored the best overall. Perhaps the people who don’t believe and the people who aren’t sure have studied the most?

If you would like to take the quiz, you can find it here. I took it and scored okay, given that I haven’t had anything to do with any religion for the last four years.

Really, though, I’m not surprised at the results. Religious education is still education, and we all know that’s going down the toilet.

Watch Paranormal State at West Virginia Prison Video | Ryan Buell & Paranormal Research Society

Posted: 10 Oct 2010 06:54 PM PDT

In season four, episode eight of Paranormal State, Ryan Buell takes his team to a West Virginia prison to face his – and their – fears.

According to the episode description – the episode called Darkness Falls – this prison is said to be one of the most haunted places in the United States.

For those who aren’t familiar with the show, Ryan Buell heads the Paranormal Research Society and Penn State University.

His research takes him all over the country (when possible) to help people with everything from poltergeists to outright demon possession.

Take it or leave it, believe it or not, but this is definitely one of the scarier (though not in every episode) series on paranormal activity that I’ve ever seen.

Cute “Sesame Street” Grover Old Spice Parody Video | Smell Like a Monster

Posted: 10 Oct 2010 04:17 PM PDT

The current Old Spice commercials starring sexy Isaiah Mustafa is one of the most creative advertising campaigns I’ve ever seen. It’s spawned a swag of parodies, including this one from the lovable puppets on Sesame Street.

Grover doesn’t have Mustafa’s physique, but he holds his own in this fun sketch. Kids will probably learn a lot about the word “on” through it, while their moms and dads can have a bit of a giggle at the pop culture reference.

I thought the original horse was good, but the cow tops it. This just proves you’re never too old for Sesame Street!

Yeo Valley Commercial Video | Organic Dairy Manufacturer Goes Street For New Advert

Posted: 10 Oct 2010 01:59 PM PDT

This is the new television advert for Yeo Valley, a brand of organic dairy produce in the U.K. And there was me thinking being ’street’ meant you lived and worked in a city.

Apparently not, as Yeo Valley has decided the way to sell its wares is to feature young farmers (or at least actors posing as such) rapping alongside cows and tractors.

I’m assuming someone either at the company itself or at the advertising agency realized Yeo is Yo spelled differently and the whole thing blossomed from there.

The stupid thing is that it works, and the Yeo Valley rap ad has been getting a lot of love since it premiered during the first live The X Factor last night. In fact, it’s getting more love than most of the contestants, none of whom can sing.

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