Saturday, September 25, 2010

Joaquin Phoenix on David Letterman Show Video | Actor Back To His (Near) Normal Self

Posted: 25 Sep 2010 11:44 AM PDT

Joaquin Phoenix has appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman for the first time since his famous and fateful appearance in February 2009. This one may not be as memorable, but it’s certainly worth watching.

18 months ago Phoenix appeared on Letterman with a full, messy beard, dark glasses, and little to say. What he did say was nonsensical crap.

It turns out that Phoenix was actually in character at the time, and this appearance was to form part of a documentary he was making with Casey Affleck which implied Phoenix had had some kind of mental breakdown.

The bulk of the interview this time around concerns Letterman asking for some money for his appearance in the film. Which, as it wasn’t actually a documentary, should have been paid for.

I smell a lawsuit on the horizon.

Watch Jon Stewart Interview on The O’Reilly Factor (Part 1) Video

Posted: 25 Sep 2010 10:33 AM PDT

Jon Stewart from The Daily Show holds his own against Bill O’Reilly, the wannabe bulldozer, in an interview on The O’Reilly Factor.

Bill O’Reilly irritates me, but I have to hand it to Stewart; he handled it quite well.

When Stewart asked, “Are you even listening to me?” I think a lot of viewers were wondering the same thing. O’Reilly doesn’t seem to care for discussion when the topic isn’t going his way.

“I completely agree with the sentiment that he ran as a visionary and he has led as a functionary.” – Stewart on President Obama

Well said.

If you’re interested in checking out part two, you can find it here.

Tron: Evolution Overview Trailer Video | How The Video Game Of The Movie Is Shaping Up

Posted: 25 Sep 2010 09:23 AM PDT

Tron: Legacy is coming out at in December, with the long-awaited sequel to the classic sci-fi movie finally arriving. Just before that, Tron: Evolution will arrive, the video game movie tie-in that might actually be quite good.

I love the first Tron film, and have watched it countless times. I’m really hopeful that the sequel will be as good, or even better, than the original. To be honest I’ll be happy so long as it doesn’t blow like many long-gestating sequels do.

But this video shows the video game which is being released to coincide with the new film. And amazingly for a movie tie-in game, it looks like it might actually be quite good.

Intriguingly, Tron: Evolution is set just prior to the film, so it fills in some of the gaps between the old Tron and the new Tron. Which should help the title sell well to fans eager to see the bigger picture.

Credit Card Of The Future (Video) | Password Protected, Carry All Cards In One

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 09:05 PM PDT

Credit cards have virtually been the same for the last 20 years or so. With identity theft rising every year it’s about time a company came out with something this smart.

Finally, you don’t have to worry about losing your credit card(s) or fumbling for the right one.

Most things that have to do with banking now require a computer and 99% of the money in the world is virtual, so it only makes sense that a credit card would be designed to fit these standards.

The fact that the person showing off the product hints about it being included in “announcements as time progresses” is a good sign. Perhaps US credit card companies have finally taken a step in the progressive direction for once.

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