Friday, September 10, 2010

‘Here You Have’ Virus Video | Security Firms Warning Against Nasty New Email Worm

Posted: 10 Sep 2010 06:53 AM PDT

It’s time once again to be afraid to visit your email inbox, with a new virus named ‘Here You Have’ spreading like wildfire across the Internet.

The ‘Here You Have’ virus looks like an email from a friend. The giveaway is the subject line and the vague wording in the body of the email.

It contains a link to what is listed as a PDF file but is in fact an executable .scr. Once clicked, the virus will send itself out to all your contacts and try to disable any security software you have installed.

Email worms have somewhat fallen out of fashion in recent years, mainly because most people are too Web-savvy to fall for them. Or at least we thought so.

It appears that enough people aren’t to mean the occasional one can still slip through the net. Literally.

Cute 100 Cats in Ikea Video | Pet Project Becomes New Advertisement

Posted: 09 Sep 2010 03:50 PM PDT

What happens when you let 100 cats loose in an Ikea store? Something a little like this.

This video shows this bizarre pet project, complete with all the drama of fighting cats, cats getting into tight squeezes, and cats exploring the home megastore. If you like cats, this is definitely your video.

I must admit, I got pretty suckered in by this. By largely leaving the cats to their own devices in such a foreign environment, we get to really observe their behavior.

Honestly, I was a little disappointed when I realized it was all done to create an ad. I’m not sure what I thought was going on, but that sort of cheapened the whole experience for me!

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