Friday, April 16, 2010

Volcanic Ash Cloud Over Europe News Video | Icelandic Volcano Causing Air Traffic Chaos

Posted: 16 Apr 2010 10:16 AM PDT

Western Europe is currently sitting under a huge volcanic ash cloud being pushed around the continent by jet streams. A volcano in Iceland is to blame, and is responsible for a huge amount of air travel chaos.

When I woke up to this ash cloud news yesterday, I thought it was some kind of huge prank. It just seems so unlikely, especially as the cloud is invisible to the naked eye from ground level, so it’s an unseen menace.

Unfortunately, it’s a menace which is having a huge impact on the U.K. and other countries in Europe, with thousands of flights being canceled, and planes grounded. And this is having a knock-on effect right around the world.

The volcano is still spewing out smoke, steam, and rock particles as well, so this could continue over the whole weekend and possibly in to next week.

Creepy Retro Game Show Host Video | Fergie Olver From “Just Like Mom” Is a Dirty Old Man

Posted: 15 Apr 2010 04:55 PM PDT

In the current age of violent video games and scantily clad teen starlets, I’m rarely shocked. But this montage of episodes of 80s game show Just Like Mom floored me.

In it we see the host Fergie Olver blatantly flirting with his contestants. On any other game show that might be perfectly permissible, but this girls haven’t even hit puberty.

It blows my mind that his love of hugs and kisses and penchant for suggestive comments was apparently acceptable back then. The series ran for five years after all.

Even if nothing untoward happened, the behavior captured by the cameras here is more than a little wrong.

Drunk History: Funny ‘Educational’ Web Series | Told By Intoxicated Actors

Posted: 15 Apr 2010 03:14 PM PDT

Drunk History is a FunnyOrDie web series that has only recently come to my attention now that it airs on Fridays on HBO.

The concept of the show is pretty simple: get a celebrity drunk and then get them to tell a historical event.

With ridiculous costumes and guests like Jack Black and Michael Cera, ‘Drunk History’ is already a formula for success. After all, who isn’t funny when their drunk?

What keeps the show interesting is the fact that the historical events that are discussed are actually pretty amusing themselves. Exposing Thomas Edison as an “asshole” isn’t exactly something most people learn in school.

Nikola Tesla Episode

In this episode that features Nikola Tesla, the truth about Thomas Edison’s real personality is revealed. You can catch the new season of Drunk History on HBO on Fridays.

[Click To Watch 'Drunk History']

Tiger Woods Spoof Nike Commercial Video | Homer Simpson Berates Golf Superstar

Posted: 15 Apr 2010 02:20 PM PDT

Prior to Tiger Woods’ comeback at The Masters golf tournament, Nike unveiled its new ad featuring the superstar sex addict.

There have been many spoofs in the days since, but this is the best I’ve seen so far. It features Homer Simpson, hardly a bastion of good and decent behavior himself, berating Tiger for his recent indiscretions.

The original ad is a bit strange to be honest, featuring Tiger staring straight at the camera wearing a “sorry” face while his dead dad Earl asks him what the hell he’s been playing at.

But its simplicity has meant spoofs galore, and it’s meant lots of free publicity for Nike around the Web. Which was surely the idea in the first place.

I’ve always thought ad execs have easy jobs, but whoever came up with this is actually a genius. And probably getting paid well for his ideas.

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