Saturday, August 14, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love Review Video | Julia Roberts’ New Chick Flick Fails To Impress Film Critics

Posted: 14 Aug 2010 08:11 AM PDT

Eat, Pray, Love is the new film from Julia Roberts. Unfortunately for her, an actress of a certain age, this isn’t the movie that’s going to lift her to the top of Tinseltown again.

In fact, the critics have almost universally derided Eat, Pray, Love. the consensus is that while it’s not a terrible film it leaves a lot to be desired.

It’s always a little sad to see actors who were once the toast of Hollywood struggling to stay at the top. It rarely happens, especially for actresses, most of who are discarded as soon as they hit 40.

Step forward Julia Roberts.

Eat, Pray, Love is a movie based on the book of the same name. But while the book is seen as an emotional, spirit-lifting tome, the film merely looks good. Which doesn’t compare.

Awkward Sex Talk with Daughter Video | Little Girl Explains What She Heard in Bedroom

Posted: 13 Aug 2010 06:19 PM PDT

Having the sex talk with your children must be uncomfortable for any parents. But having them learn about sex before you’re ready for the chat must be excruciating.

In this video an innocent little girl recounts the noises she hears coming from her parents’ bedroom. She’s quite miffed that their screaming woke her up, but seems quite oblivious as to what provoked their odd behavior!

This video is awkward and hilarious in equal measures, unless perhaps if you’re the red-faced parents. Then perhaps the awkward may overtake the humor!

I just hope they show this vid to the little girl later when she’s old enough to get the joke!

Depressant Spoof Video | ONN Reports On Drug To Make Cheerful People Miserable

Posted: 13 Aug 2010 01:29 PM PDT

There was I thinking I was the only normal person who gets sick of those people who are constantly happy, constantly positive, constantly convinced that everything will be OK, and that life is super duper great.

But I’m clearly not, as this spoof video from the Onion News Network proves.

Being around miserable, negative people all the time is a real chore – just ask anyone who has ever tried being friends with me – but being around overly happy, always cheerful people can be equally tiresome.

Mood swings are normal. Having good and bad days in normal. Being filled with the joys of life one moment, and not wanting to get out of bed the next is completely fine.

Which means those people who are always happy (or at least act that way) are as ill as those who are sad all the time. Let’s make these drugs a reality and ban fancy dress parties immediately!

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