Wednesday, October 27, 2010

World’s Largest Gummy Bear Video | Sick!

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 07:48 AM PDT

I’ve seen some horrible foodstuffs for sale in my time – seafood is my particular stomach-churner – but this super-sized gummy worm takes the biscuit.

This gummy worm is 26-inches long, 5-inches in diameter, weighs in at 1.4Kg, and contains around 4,000 calories. Which suggests this is something to take your time over rather than attempting to eat in one sitting.

Still, I wouldn’t mind seeing someone try, and I’d keep an ambulance standing by just in case. You know, because the human body isn’t really designed to digest such a whopping intake of sugar, fat, and calories in one go.

This is no mock-up either; this gummy worm is available to buy for under $30. But if you want your kids to have a healthy relationship with food as they get older, I’d suggest giving it a miss.

Rocky Horror Picture Show Trailer Video | Forget Glee, The Original Version Is The Best

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 01:45 AM PDT

The latest episode of insanely-popular high school musical drama Glee was a special tribute to The Rocky Horror Picture Show. And it did a good job with the source material.

However, you can’t beat the original, of which this video is an extended trailer.

Glee has managed to bring The Rocky Horror Picture Show back into people’s consciousnesses in a big way, and I suspect the original 1975 movie based on the musical will be much in demand over the next few weeks.

A warning to those who do pick it up on the strength of Glee; The Rocky Horror Picture Show isn’t glossy and full of amazing special effects. Instead, the songs and the performances of the actors carry the whole thing through.

Still, once you get past that, it’s a glory to behold.

Watch Funny Weather is a Dick News Video | US Screwing Mexico Again

Posted: 26 Oct 2010 07:07 PM PDT

This poor weatherman at Texas KLST doesn’t quite realize what he’s stroking, while the graphics department can’t breathe from laughing so hard in the back room.

I wonder how many people watched this and didn’t even notice… I wonder if the graphics department really was having a laugh…

I wonder if Mexico is going to press charges against the United States.

Now if only the weather channel had more things like this going on. I might pay a little more attention. Tee hee. The fact that it is big, red and has lightning bolts on it makes it all the better.

Watch Jessica Seinfeld’s Deceptively Delicious Cooking on Oprah Video

Posted: 26 Oct 2010 06:50 PM PDT

Jessica Seinfeld, the wife of Jerry Seinfeld, has become famous in her own right with Deceptively Delicious cooking – featured here on Oprah.

It has never been so easy to get your children to eat vegetables than with Jessica Seinfeld’s Deceptively Delicious cooking.

Many parents are often frustrated to no end by how picky their children are when it comes to eating vegetables. Heck, they might not eat certain things just because they’re a different color.

Bring in vegetable purees.

While I would never change my brownie recipe, these purees could be a great way to help myself eat more vegetables… Hmm…

Justin Bieber Movie Trailer Video | First Look at “Never Say Never”

Posted: 26 Oct 2010 03:15 PM PDT

This video gives us our first look at the next inevitable stage of the Justin Bieber phenomenon, the Justin Bieber movie Never Say Never.

If you’re under the age of 15, that probably won't mean much to you. But if you’re a young girl, this is apparently the film you’ve been waiting your whole life for.

It tells the story of an ordinary boy who posted some videos on YouTube and became a music sensation. Apparently he never stopped believing, which probably isn’t too hard when you’re still in your teens when fame finds you.

Like it or loathe it, it seems the Bieber Fever isn’t fading any time soon.

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