Saturday, July 24, 2010

Operation: Endgame Movie Trailer Video | Zach Galifianakis & Rob Corddry’s New Film

Posted: 24 Jul 2010 09:43 AM PDT

Operation: Endgame is a new action comedy which has gone straight to DVD. It stars Zach Galifianakis, Ron Corddry, Ving Rhames, and a host of other big names.

The title refers to the final mission for two teams of assassins, who are charged with having to kill each other, thus wiping out the agency they all belong to.

Think Mr. and Mrs. Smith without the romance, and without the sublime acting skills of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

Operation: Endgame could be worth watching, but I’m not sure I’d pay full price for it as the reviews have been very mixed.

The problem is the attempt to walk the fine line between funny and gruesome. So we get to see a host of dastardly killing scenes while also being told to laugh at the humorous script.

Cool Tarp Surfing Parody Video | Who Needs Waves?

Posted: 23 Jul 2010 05:11 PM PDT

Who needs the ten-foot waves of Hawaii when you’ve got a parking lot and a tarp? In this clever video we see the world’s greatest tarp surfing champs doing their thing.

This parody video mimicking the surf rider films of old may be a bit of a one-joke wonder, but its stunning visuals make it worth a look.

Who would have imagined that a large blue tarpaulin, a parking lot, and a few skateboarders could create something that so convincingly mimicked big surf action?

Maybe those of us living in the urban jungle could learn a thing or two from this video. It looks like mad fun!

Paperboy: The Movie Video Trailer | Classic Video Game Turned Into A Cheesy Film

Posted: 23 Jul 2010 04:56 PM PDT

If you have any recollection at all of Paperboy, the classic videogame which appeared in the arcade, on computers, and on various consoles from 1984 onwards, then you’ll likely love this video.

It shows how a Paperboy movie trailer could look if someone, somewhere decided to turn the game into a film.

Let’s face it, stranger things have happened, particularly as Hollywood is currently making movies out of Space Invaders and Battleships amongst others.

Rather than focus on recreating the gameplay (although there are some funny moments when they do), the people behind this spoof movie trailer create a back story to explain why Paperboy is the way he is. Genius.

The Real Oil Spill Victims (Video) | Wildlife And Fish Being Killed Off

Posted: 23 Jul 2010 03:23 PM PDT

When The Exxon Valdez spill happened, it caused damage to about 30% of the wildlife in the region; some of which have never recovered.

The Gulf Spill, on the other hand, is closer to home and therefore affects more us locally. Not only tourists and fishermen, but all kinds of animals. If you thought you knew how bad the spill was, think again.

Carl Safina really puts his heart into this presentation. There are a few moments where he gets really upset, but then again, should we all be?

The most inspiring part of this video has to be the end where he comments about clean energy. It’s been thousands of years and humans are still, in theory, “burning” things and creating waste with energy. Now that we have the poser to change that, we need to convert to clean energy before it’s too late.

Where Is The Aral Sea? (Video) | One Of The Largest Seas Has Dried Up

Posted: 23 Jul 2010 02:35 PM PDT

The Aral Sea, which was once the 4th largest sea in the world, is currently dry. So much in fact, that the news reporters in this clip are able to drive straight across it.

To he honest, if I didn’t see the rusty ships scattered across the land, I would have thought it was just another desert.

The Aral Sea wasn’t always one of the “worst environmental disasters.” Before the 1950’s there was a thriving fishing industry in the region, but due to a demand in cotton production the two rivers that fed it (Amu Darya and the Syr Darya) were cut off.

Since 2008 (when this video was made), there have been efforts to revive the region and currently there are fish that are able to survive in the rising water conditions. Still, it will probably take decades before it will ever become the same sea that it once was.

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