Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Prince Poppycock Sings ‘Figaro’ Video | America’s Got Talent New York Auditions

Posted: 09 Jun 2010 09:06 AM PDT

America’s Got Talent has three distinct types of auditionees: The really good, the really bad, and the surprise package. And it’s the latter group that makes the show worth watching.

Prince Poppycock belongs to that last group. He walks on and you think the act is going to be awful. Then he starts singing and he actually turns out to be good at what he does.

Prince Poppycock is one of the auditionees put through to the next round from the New York auditions. As can be seen in this video, he sang Figaro from The Barber Of Seville… while dressed as a prince from the baroque period.

The three judges clearly thought Prince Poppycock (or John to his friends) was going to suck. But he didn’t. Fighting Gravity may have stolen the show, but Prince Poppycock had a good go at doing so. And I’m glad we’ll see him again.

American Military Using Excessive Force (Video) | Penalty For Stealing Wood In Iraq

Posted: 08 Jun 2010 09:05 PM PDT

You always hear about military soldiers using excessive force, but actually seeing with your eyes is pretty shocking. Not to mention when the “crime” the Iraqis in this video committed was stealing wood.

That’s right, as in fire wood.

The last time I checked, there wasn’t a law you could break in America that would get your car shot up and smashed by a tank, but that’s exactly what happens in this video from Iraq. The saddest part has to be when we find out that the car actually belonged to a Taxi driver.

The phrase “that’s what you get!” has never been portrayed so ignorantly. I hope these soldiers have gotten reported and suspended since this incident.

Watch Beautiful Milkyway Viewed From Death Valley Timelapse Video

Posted: 08 Jun 2010 08:28 PM PDT

This is a video of a beautiful nightscape (obviously shot with a special camera to be able to capture all those incredible colors).

Every time I get pissed off with the world and/or the people living in it, I see something like this and am reminded how small I am in the grand scheme of things.

Some people might think that would be a negative feeling, but I treat it more as a wake-up call that my little annoyances and such really aren’t as big as they seem.

I have always wanted to visit Death Valley. Now this just gives me another reason.

Watch F.A. Hayek’s Classic ‘The Road to Serfdom’ in Cartoons Video | History or Happening Now?

Posted: 08 Jun 2010 08:15 PM PDT

“A cartoon adaptation of F.A. Hayek’s classic treatise on the dangers of government intervention into the economy.”

If you think that we are beyond having our governments control us to an incredible extent, watch this video and see what sound familiar.

It’s all fine and well to label everyone who doesn’t go with mainstream thinking as a conspiracy theorist – whatever helps you sleep at night – but what if even just one of those things is true?

Are you willing to give up all your freedoms for so-called security? Because it looks like that is coming if people just sit idly by.

French Art Lovers Make Giant Monet Painting, Enjoy Group Sing-a-Long Video

Posted: 08 Jun 2010 03:04 PM PDT

Around 1250 art loving French folks joined forces in Rouen last weekend to create a living, breathing version of a Monet art classic.

Each participant held a fragment of the art reproduction above their head to recreate the work by local impressionist legend, Claude Monet. The finished work measured much larger than any Monet canvas, an amazing 600 square meters. Something tells me the art master would have been impressed!

Participants are hopeful that their efforts will earn them a place in the Guinness Book of Records. Failing that, perhaps they could submit an entry for world’s largest sing-a-long? Their rousing chorus definitely deserves some recognition!

Dr. Watson Stalks Sherlock Holmes Video | Even Holmes Can’t Solve This Strange Mystery

Posted: 08 Jun 2010 02:33 PM PDT

Prepare to be creeped out by a character in a computer game. I know, it’s unlikely, because it’s not something you’d think would creep anyone out, but just wait until you see Dr. Watson’s magnificent stalking technique.

The game is Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis and is available on PC. It’s got better than average reviews in the whole, with a 71 percent rating on Metcritic.

However, there’s one thing in the game that is guaranteed to creep you out, and that is Dr. Watson’s strange way of moving. In fact, you don’t ever get to see him move because he does it behind your back every single time.

This is clearly a programming trick, ensuring that Dr. Watson is right there with you at all times without actually getting in your way. But it gives the impression that Watson is some really creepy dude stalking you. And the music makes this video creep me out big time.

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