Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tim Gunn The Trevor Project Public Service Announcement Video | “Project Runway” Mentor Opens Up About Suicide Attempt

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 12:15 AM PDT

In the wake of a spate of suicides from bullied gay teens, including most recently the death of Tyler Clementi, Tim Gunn has opened up about his own childhood battles in this public service announcement.

Speaking for the Trevor Project, a group focusing on suicide prevention for LGBTQ young people, the Project Runway mentor reveals that he struggled with bullying as a teen and at 17 attempted to end it all.

Listening to his story is painful, touching, and above all real. I almost shed a tear myself as I watched Gunn choke back his own. I hope his words can convince anyone suffering that indeed, life does get better.

MTV’s True Life In Saudi Arabia (Video) | Hour-Long Special Documents Oppression

Posted: 06 Oct 2010 09:13 PM PDT

The documentary show True Life is one of the only reasons why I still occasionally watch MTV. Rather than being a glamorized “reality” show, it does a great job of diving into the world of interesting twenty-somethings.

If there’s one thing you can learn from this video, it’s to be grateful you weren’t born in Saudi Arabia.

Who knew dating, playing music, or wearing colorful clothing could be such a struggle in today’s world? Though there is much wealth in the region, living under strict Islamic-law is certainly not helping the progression of Saudi Arabia one bit.

Besides the absence of women’s rights, the most heartbreaking part of this video had to be the part when the metal band was denied their performance they worked so hard for. I hope change comes soon.

“True Grit” Film Trailer Video | Classic Western Gets Coen Brothers Treatment

Posted: 06 Oct 2010 05:55 PM PDT

The Coen Brothers have released the full length trailer for their remake of the classic Western True Grit, and I must say I’m impressed.

The cynic in me would love for Hollywood to get new ideas rather than rebooting those of the past, but there’s so much to like about what we see that it's impossible to get too snarky.

The Coen Brothers have proved their directing worth many times over, most recently with their Academy Award winning No Country for Old Men. Jeff Bridges, Mat Damon, and Josh Brolin are all big stars with the acting chops to match.

But something tells me that young actress Hailee Steinfeld may be the best thing about this movie. Her portrayal of young Mattie Ross, hell-bent on vengeance for her father's death, seems genuine and unaffected. And we all know that it's rare to find that blend in a child star.

There may not be a lot that’s new here, but something tells me that True Grit will still be worth watching when it hits American cinemas on Christmas Day.

9/11 Firefighters Talk ‘Huge Explosions’ (Video) | New WTC Evidence Obtained

Posted: 06 Oct 2010 02:40 PM PDT

It’s been nearly a decade, yet the aftermath of 9/11 is still being felt all over the United States. While the major media and the federal government deny the existence of bombs in the World Trade Center, there is overwhelming evidence to suggest the opposite.

Just today, a video as surfaced where two firefighters can be seen talking about ‘huge explosions’ in the WTC.

NIST would have kept these tapes secret forever if it weren’t for a lawsuit that forced them to release them. Apparently there is more footage to be found but many of them have audio parts missing for unknown reasons.

Of course, if you’re like me, you’re probably thinking that those missing parts are intentionally left out for cover-up reasons.

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