Wednesday, August 4, 2010

BlackBerry Torch Video | First Look At 9800

Posted: 04 Aug 2010 11:25 AM PDT

BlackBerry fans are almost, but not quite, as passionate about their product as iPhone and Apple users in general. Which means any new BlackBerry device gets many people excited beyond the realms of what can be considered normal.

The new BlackBerry this time around is the Torch 9800. And it’s what RiM (Research in Motion) has described as “fresh but familiar.”

The BlackBerry 9800 is, in essence, just another BlackBerry smartphone. It does feature a vertical slider, and it comes with the new BlackBerry OS 6. But can that truly compete with the iPhone OS4 or Droid X.

The BlackBerry is also chunkier than its competitors, and that’s not going to help it make the switch from business to the mainstream. Still, if it floats your boat then check it out.

Watch ‘Just Say Now’ Campaign to Legaliza Marijuana News Video | Drawing Out the Youth Vote

Posted: 03 Aug 2010 06:46 PM PDT

A new campaign called ‘just say now’ to draw out the youth vote by putting marijuana legalization on the plate. Will it work to get younger people to vote or end up backfiring?

I love how at about 5.40, things disintegrate into who has the right statistics and is being ‘genuine’ with the numbers. Hello, that’s not even what you’re on television to talk about that.

Is putting marijuana legalization on bills a good move to get more of the youth population voting or not?

Personally, I think it’s not so much a move to get the younger population to vote as something being wrapped up in that sort of package.

Marijuana legalization is something that they are going to have to deal with; this way, they’re doing it in the name of something positive.

Watch Alex Jones on New ‘Brain Eating Vaccine’ Video | Health Hazard or Stress Reducers?

Posted: 03 Aug 2010 06:05 PM PDT

Many people, including documentary filmmaker Alex Jones, are up in arms as Stanford University neuroscience professor, Dr. Robert Sapolsky, has announced he believes he is close to creating a ‘calm’ vaccine to reduce stress.

Many people aren’t buying the “it’s only for your health benefits” line that’s being pushed.

Think what you want about Alex Jones or what he does, but he provides links to other news sources if you don’t believe him – at least about the fact that there is a ‘calm vaccine’ in the works.

I suppose this is just the next step, really. It’s hard to not be a conspiracy theorist some days…

Awesome Volkswagon Viral Advertising Campaign Video | World’s Best Shopping Carts

Posted: 03 Aug 2010 05:45 PM PDT

The modern world shows us that an advertisement doesn’t have to run on television to be effective. Internet-based viral video campaigns have been responsible for some of the most creative marketing in recent years.

This new ad by Volkswagon, which takes humble shopping carts and adds some extra pep, may be one of my favorites.

Struggling with a shopping cart has always been one of life’s frustrations, so why not add a skateboard and make the grocery trip more fun? With the tag line promising to put us in the fast lane, Volkswagon does just that.

This looks brilliant, although I’m sure the stores would have even less chance of getting their carts back once shoppers are done!

Insane Metal Music Video | Grandparents Headbang To Hardcore Death Metal Song

Posted: 03 Aug 2010 12:08 PM PDT

I know your music tastes are known to change over the years, evolving as you get older and start to appreciate different things. But this is insane.

You’ve got to love grandparents for trying though. Not all of them do, either through being miserable old gits or not being fit and able enough to take part in the activities their grandkids ask them to take part in.

But you cannot level that accusation at these two, who proceed to bang their heads and rock out to some seriously hardcore death metal music. And they do it with such style and aplomb.

The granddad rocks out in silence, but the grandma truly goes to town. Not only does she tell her old man to bang his head, she screams at those watching. The music clearly does take hold on occasion, and age would appear to be no barrier.

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