Saturday, June 26, 2010

Moonstruck Chocolate Factory Tour Video

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 09:05 AM PDT

It’s not the best idea in the world to watch a video such as this one if you’re watching your weight. Which, let’s face it, all but the luckiest, skinniest people are doing.

That’s because this video shows a short tour of the Moonstruck Chocolate factory in Portland, Oregon. And after having watched it, I guarantee you’ll fancy eating some chocolate.

Chocolate produced in the U.S. is usually bad. Seriously. Along with cheese, cars, and beer, chocolate is something Americans don’t excel at making.

However, Moonstruck Chocolate is different, and is one of a number of producers of gourmet chocolate in North America. Consequently, the chocolate they produce by hand is a lot richer and tastier than the average crap.

I want some, and I want some now.

The War Is Making You Poor Act (Video) | Finally, An Honest Name In Politics

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 09:50 PM PDT

Hats off to Rep. Alan Grayson for supporting such a simple act that needs to be passed. Even the name “The War Is Making You Poor Act” is clear cut!

As this C-SPAN clip proves, we’ve already been spending too much money on the military- why would we need $159 billion more?

I voted for Obama for a number of reasons, one of them being that he claimed to be able to “bring the troops home.” Of course, this has yet to happen and he even recently granted $159 billion more for the war.

This presentation is so easy to understand, I’ll be damned if the act doesn’t get passed. I’m one of the 33% of Americans that make under $35,000 a year, and I could really use that tax break.

Leopard Vs. Hunter Video | Payback Time

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 03:18 PM PDT

The old saying insists that, “If you play with fire, you’ll get burnt.” And that is undoubtedly true both literally and figuratively. But what about a new saying: If you hunt leopards, you’ll get bitten.”

It works for me, and this video is the evidence.

I’m totally opposed to hunting animals. When the human race lived in caves hunting was an essential part of life, as it was us against them fighting for survival. But we survived, grew, and evolved into modern humans. And modern humans no longer need to hunt either for food or sport.

It’s with this in mind that I tell you that I have little sympathy for this guy. I hope he survived his injuries without too much pain, but isn’t there some justification for the leopard to attack and hurt those trying to kill it with guns?

What is sadder? A guy getting mauled by a tiger minding its own business, or that same tiger getting killed by a pack of men carrying weapons to hide the fact they have undersized and underused genitalia?

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