Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fourth Of July Recipe Video | Independence Day With Strawberry/Blueberry Parfait

Posted: 03 Jul 2010 11:15 AM PDT

It’s Independence Day weekend in the United States, with Americans everywhere celebrating the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776.

How do most Americans celebrate? By eating too much, getting drunk, and watching fireworks. Don’t ask me why, that’s just how it is. But why not, eh?

Desserts are an important part of any Independence Day feast, and this video shows Betty making a Fourth Of July dessert recipe she calls strawberry/blueberry parfait.

I must admit this dessert looks absolutely exquisite, and I’m tempted to make it even though I’m British and don’t celebrate the Fourth Of July. Any excuse for a creamy dessert.

Watch Funny 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time Video

Posted: 03 Jul 2010 08:43 AM PDT

“You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.”

Even Toy Story gets in on the insulting goodness that is the 100 Greatest Movie Insults of all time.

Mind you, that was one of the few ones I really liked that didn’t involve swearing.

Some of these just plain aren’t that funny as far as I’m concerned, but they have some real keepers in here. I think I’ll watch this again, this time with a pen and paper.

Now, as an aside, big points to the person who can name all the movies listed here – without help.

“I fart in your general direction!”

How To Do The ‘Spilled Coffee Prank’ (Video) | Possibly The Meanest Office Prank

Posted: 02 Jul 2010 09:24 PM PDT

The narrator in this video advises people not to pull this prank around electrical appliances or important documents. However, depending on the situation, I’d have to disagree.

If done correctly, this could possibly be the greatest revenge prank ever. I wonder if it works for Starbucks cups?

Is it just me, or do people who drink coffee more often get stressed out more easily? Really, this prank would work with any beverage, but coffee is always a menace when it’s hot.

As stated in the video, be sure to practice this trick plenty of times before trying it out at work. The last thing you need is evidence spilling all over your clothes.

New Old Spice Advertisement Video | Isaiah Mustafa Makes More Girls Swoon

Posted: 02 Jul 2010 05:13 PM PDT

When I saw the first Old Spice ad starring the gorgeous Isaiah Mustafa, I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or swoon. I think I did a little of both. Now the retro men’s aftershave brand is at it again with a brand new ad.

I’m not sure whether this captures the brilliance of the original. But just like pizza, even a lesser Old Spice ad is still pretty fantastic.

Now I too want a man to bake me a gourmet cake in the dream kitchen he built with his own two hands. The terrible CGI’d “swan dive” only adds to the charm. And of course there’s Mustafa’s chiseled body and deep resonate voice.

Whatever is being sold here, I’m buying!

Apple Fanboys Porn Video | 30 Years Of Apple Products In Two Minutes – Kleenex At Ready?

Posted: 02 Jul 2010 01:53 PM PDT

An Apple (product) a day keeps fanboys at bay. Hopefully all the Apple fanboys will get stuck watching this on repeat while touching themselves and stop banging on about Steve Jobs and co. for five minutes.

I classify this as porn for Apple fanboys. I assume many of them will have the Kleenex at the ready for when they climax over the machine of their choice.

Whether that be the Apple II from 1977, the MacBook Pro from 2006, or anything in between, something will set them off. And this video doesn’t even include the most recent Apple phenomenons such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad.

I love ribbing Apple fanboys almost as much as they love talking about their beloved company. I personally don’t embrace any particular tech company, as they’re all out to make a profit off us at the end of the day. Apple included.

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