Friday, June 18, 2010

Sony Dash Video Review | Personal Internet Viewer Could Be A Good Father’s Day Gift

Posted: 18 Jun 2010 09:13 AM PDT

The Sony Dash personal Internet viewer is a gadget which has really divided opinion. Some think it’s a genius product, while some are very dismissive of the need for it. I’m in the latter camp.

Still, if you, and your dad, like this sort of device then it could make for the perfect Father’s Day gift.

The Sony Dash is, in effect a desktop tablet computer. So it’s kind of like the Apple iPad but not anywhere near as good. Unfortunately. However, it’s also $230 cheaper than the cheapest iPad.

If you have a laptop then there’s really no need to also have a Sony Dash. Unless, of course, you like the idea of an alarm clock which can play media content such as music and television. And are willing to pay $199 for such a device.

Perfect Father’s Day gift? Not for me, but maybe for some people.

Watch Awesome Illustrated Lecture ‘Smile or Die’ Video | The Hazards of Positive Thinking

Posted: 18 Jun 2010 08:39 AM PDT

In this illustrated lecture, Barbara Ehrenreich talks about the delusional idea that we can change the world with our thoughts and how the push for positive thinking is one way government controls the masses.

One more push for realism instead of idealism.

I quite liked the illustration of the lecture in this video, but it is really the lecture itself I found to be quite fascinating.

Who would have thought this whole, big push for ‘you just have to change your attitude’ could be screwing us over like that.

I have always said that I would rather be a realist than a pessimist or optimist. I guess I made the right choice.

Funny Friendly Tortoise Video | Back On His Feet With A Little Help From A Friend

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 05:38 PM PDT

Tortoises are strange little creatures. Their evolutionary course seems to have been plotted purely on the basis of armor, so their shells keep them protected from predators, but at the expense of basically everything else.

And that shell can cause problems, such as when a tortoise ends up lying on its back.

Have no fear though, because friends can come to the rescue. This tortoise is stuck, unable to right itself, until its mate comes along and turns it upright once again.

Is this learned behavior or genetically imprinted in the mind of every tortoise? Either way, it’s intriguing to watch. The only question is what happens if there isn’t another tortoise around when one ends up on its back?

Adorable Kitten Scared by Reflection in Mirror Video

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 05:07 PM PDT

To a tiny kitten, the world must be a big and scary place, where danger lurks around every corner. Where we humans see a mirror, this mini kitty sees another cat keen to usurp his position in the household.

Initially he’s surprised by the other cat’s presence, but before too long his feline instincts kick in and he’s ready to pounce. What a shame that he completely underestimates the size of the bench he’s on!

I won’t spoil it for you, but make sure that you watch right to the end for the pussy punch line. It’s rare to see a cat looking so undignified, and absolutely priceless.

Four Loko Review Video | Alcoholic Energy Drink Allegedly Making Kids Black Out

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 12:24 PM PDT

Alcoholic drinks have to be imbibed sensibly, obviously, or it’s a short road to alcoholism. Energy drinks too aren’t without their downsides, with too much leading to an overdose of caffeine which will see you awake for days on end.

So here’s an idea: why not produce an alcoholic energy drink? Four Loko is just that, and it has bad news written all over it.

This video shows three women trying and reviewing the watermelon-flavored Four Loko. They’re not keen, hating the taste. But that’s only part of the problem with this devil’s own drink.

According to new reports, Four Loko is leading kids to black out, with just two of these huge cans enough to really mess someone who isn’t used to alcohol up. Which isn’t surprising seeing as its 12% ABV, 660 calories, and contains guarana, taurine, and caffeine.

In essence, it’s a cardiac arrest waiting to happen. I’m glad it’s not on sale in the U.K.

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