Thursday, November 28, 2013

[New post] Turkey Day preparation- MST3K- Robot Holocaust

dailypop posted: "No one was ready for the... Robot Holocaust  The final episode of the 1991 MST3K Turkey Day marathon, Robot Holocaust is a solid example of the thrown together sci fi epics of the 1980's. Set in a dystopian future in which humans live in 'New Terra' un"

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

[New post] This week at your comic shop 11/27/13

dailypop posted: "For the complete list of this week's comics, click here. Not sure where your local comic shop is? Try! (note: all information including ad copy is from the publisher) If you can't make it to the shop, just click on any of the"

Monday, November 25, 2013

[New post] Doctor Who – The Five(ish) Doctors

dailypop posted: " As great the 50th anniversary special was, did you feel like something was missing? Well, these four fellas did too. An incredibly entertaining comedic special, The Five(ish) Doctors is written and directed by Peter Davison and shows what happens when"

Saturday, November 23, 2013

[New post] Doctor Who -Day of the Doctor

dailypop posted: "Day of the Doctor A story that has been waiting to be told since Doctor Who returned to TV screens in 2005 is the story of the Time War. It was slowly revealed that Gallifrey, the home to the Time Lords who had exiled the Doctor those many years back"

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