Tuesday, March 22, 2011

[New post] 20th C FOX wants next Daredevil film to be their 'Batman'

20th C FOX wants next Daredevil film to be their 'Batman'

dailypop | March 22, 2011 at 1:18 pm | Tags: daredevil frank miller marvel comics | Categories: Daredevil | URL: http://wp.me/p4kUt-2r7

The first comic books that I remember reading and retaining were a few John Byrne's Fantastic Four issues, Uncanny X-Men 'Days of Future Past' and one of Frank Miller's last issues of Daredevil in which Ben Urich is murdered by Elektra. as such, I have always held a deep adoration for old 'horn head.' Like many comic book creations, Daredevil has had a spotty record of success in print but gained notoriety when Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev launched the title into the best seller charts with their remarkable run.

When a feature film was announced, I was all a-flutter with anticipation. Imagine my disappointment when I viewed the Daredevil movie in the world-famous Grauman's Chinese Theater, complete with opening credits in digitized braille. Ugh. Even Ben Affleck slated the movie and is embarrassed by the end result. As a DD fan, I even braved the Director's Cut and while it is an improvement on the theatrical release, it is still largely flawed.

However, 20th Century Fox knows that they have a hot property that, properly handled, could stand to be their answer to Warner Bros.' popular Batman franchise. There have been rumors in the past of a reboot film in the works, but this sounds like the real deal...

Via IGN:

Ever since director David Slade signed up to make Fox's new Daredevil movie, fans and press alike want to know how exactly the Twilight: Eclipse director plans to re-introduce The Man Without Fear to audiences.

The director shed very small amounts of light on the subject via his Twitter page, while also addressing rumors about his involvement with two other Fox/Marvel projects: The Wolverine and Deadpool.

First, Daredevil: "So without breaking confidentiality, yes Daredevil, we have a great outline for a very strong character driven take on Mr Matt Murdock."

Slade went on to Tweet that his movie "will bare no relation to the previous Daredevil movie in any way. We are at early planning stages and have not yet discussed any cast."

About the rumors that he may direct the Deadpool movie, Slade says: "Love DEADPOOL, was never engaged in the (quite fantastic) script, last I heard studio was looking at comedy directors. None of my business."

And Slade also talked about the now Aronofsky-less Wolverine sequel: "...there have been no discussions about this project to date. Interesting to see what will happen with that as the again excellent script by Chris McQuarrie was set largely in Japan."

So you can deep-six the Robert Pattinson casting rumors for now and audibly sigh relief. You can also take some hope in the fact that Slade is going character-driven with his take, which was reported last week to be more inline with Chris Nolan's Batman Begins. (We hope.)

Slade also gave a Tweet about the status of The Last Voyage of the Demeter, which centers on the tragic voyage of the sailing vessel that brought Dracula to London in Bram Stoker's book

"Noomi Rapace and Ben Kingsley want to do it, so do I."

So, for better or worse, Slade's Daredevil is happening, he's not involved with Deadpool or Wolverine and he really wants to director Demeter with Sir Ben and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

In addition to the Daredevil news, a Ben Kingsley vampire film sounds very interesting!

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