In the streets of Victorian London, a Silurian detective and her sword-wielding companion Jenny solve unusual crimes along with their butler, a Sontaran named Strax. When faced with a particularly dangerous case, they petition for the assistance of that traveler of time and space known only as 'The Doctor,' but there's a problem... he's retired.
Watch the minisode below...
My 2 cents
The less said about Murray Gold's music, the better.
I could do without the poor directing and thudding jokes, but I do quite like how the series keeps reinventing itself and staying fresh. At seven years, the program has had many different approaches with varied results and the 11th Doctor works best, in my opinion, when he is pitched as a fanciful hero in a children's adventure (as most of series 5 was written). It seems that we may be headed back in that direction this Christmas and into next year when Doctor Who returns.