Tuesday, December 28, 2010

[New post] The Red Skull schemes in Captain America: The First Avenger

The Red Skull schemes in Captain America: The First Avenger

dailypop | December 28, 2010 at 2:25 pm | Tags: red skull captain america marvel avengers | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p4kUt-2dl

Captain America' most fearsome foe, the Red Skull has plagued the world since WWII. In the upcoming Joe Johnston film, we will see Captain America rise to his role as a national icon only to come face to face with the devious Red Skull, a twisted yet brilliant man with plans that could trump the desires of Hitler's Nazi Party. With an Asgardian artifact called the Cosmic Cube in his hands, the Red Skull has plans to rewrite all of reality in his own image.

In the dialog below, Red Skull and Adolf Hitler discuss their findings, including something called The Tesseract (the Cosmic Cube):http://www.youtube.com/v/2fpMsioXT8M?fs=1&hl=en_US

Red Skull
Description below via 'Intruder' at http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/MarvelFreshman/news/?a=27036#int41

The footage begins with the title card "Norway, May 1942″ we see told older men in a stone castle-like interior.

The walls are shaking, dust and dirt falling.

The wall implodes inward as a Nazi soldiers come rushing in, and examine a crypt in the center of the room.
And then Johann Shmidt (Hugo Weaving pre Red Skull) makes his entrance from the huge hole in the wall.
He orders the surviving old man to hand over "The Tesseract." The man tells Shmidt that what he is looking for is just a legend.
Shmidt responds, "then why go through so much work to conceal it?" The crypt is opened, and inside is the bones of a crusader holding a misty crystal white cube.

Shmidt picks it up, and says "The Tesseract was the prize of Odin's collection."

But he isn't fooled. He throws it down on the ground, smashing it to bits.

This is not what he was looking for.

He then turns his attention to the wall, which contains a large wood caving of Yggdrasil, the Norse Tree of Life.

In the wall he finds a hidden compartment.

He pulls it out and opens it.

Blue glow fills his face. Shmidt says to the Fuhrer "You haven't seen this yet, have you?"

Hitler responds, "It's not for the eyes of ordinary men."

Shmidt "exactly."

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