Friday, February 25, 2011

[New post] Green Lantern Emerald Knights Trailer

Green Lantern Emerald Knights Trailer

dailypop | February 25, 2011 at 5:12 pm | Tags: comic book superhero cartoons animated, Green Lantern | Categories: cartoons, Green Lantern | URL:

Green_LanternVia MTV's Splash Page:
As for the other animated Green Lantern project on next year's calendar, Timm confirmed that "Green Lantern: Emerald Knights" is indeed planned for a 2011 release — though he stopped short of calling it a "sequel" to 2009's "First Flight."

"This one focuses directly on the other members of the Green Lantern Corps," he explained. "It's similar in format to the "Batman: Gotham Knight" movie we did a couple of years ago, with six individual stories all tied up in an overall arc. ['Emerald Knights'] is similar in that each of the individual stories focuses on one of the other Green Lanterns."

The new animated DVD looks more like the back-up stories from the old Green Lantern comics back in the day that I enjoy very much. Spotlighting several characters, this will give a wonderful glimpse of the depth found in the GL Universe (something the feature film will also be challenged with). The trailer has been a long time coming and it looks fantastic.


There is also an ongoing animated series on its way to capitalize on what will hopefully be a wave of popularity for the ring slinger.

Also from MTV's Splash Page:
"[The animated series] doesn't follow the direct continuity of the [live-action] movie or 'First Flight' or anything that we've done before, but it doesn't contradict them either," Timm told MTV News. "They're all pretty consistent in terms of Hal Jordan being the Green Lantern and so forth, so hopefully by the time our show comes on, people will have seen the 'Green Lantern' movie — several times, hopefully — and they'll know the backstory, so we can go off from there."

According to the veteran writer, artist, animator, and producer, the creative team on the "Green Lantern" animated series saw no need to retell the hero's origin story, given everything else that will be in theaters — and hitting the shelves a second time — when the series premieres.

"We've already done the origin story in 'First Flight,' and I'm sure we'll be re-releasing that to take advantage of all the 'Green Lantern' publicity next year," he said. "The movie itself is going to be his origin story, so people will know his origin story and we don't have to waste time with it yet again."

Timm indicated that the series will generally involve standalone episodes, but the "broad arc" for the first season (26 episodes) will feature the rage-fueled Red Lanterns. For those who aren't up on their Green Lantern mythos, the Green Lanterns' power comes from each individual hero's willpower and ability to overcome fear, while the Red Lanterns' powers are fueled by the ring-wielders' rage.

However, if you're hoping to see the full spectrum of Lanterns, you might have to wait a while.

"We don't get into the whole Black Lantern thing," said Timm, citing DC Comics' recent "Blackest Night" crossover event that featured a massive war involving every color of Lantern and much of Earth's superheroes. "Hopefully the show is a big hit and will go on for six or seven years, and we'll do the Black Lanterns somewhere down the line, but for now we don't have any plans to go down that route."

Oh, and don't expect to see Superman or Batman making cameos in the series, either. According to Timm, almost the entire series is set in space, with the story beginning on Earth but going cosmic almost as soon as the series begins.

"It's a science-fiction show, so this means Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, they're not showing up," he said. "It's all about the Green Lantern Corps."

Lots more details on the Green Lantern ongoing cartoon here.

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