Superboy goes rogue in Young Justice 'Schooled' |
The latest weekly animated series from DC Entertainment has successfully taken up the mantle formerly held by the fondly remembered hit series Justice League. Following the adventures of the sidekicks of Batman, the Flash, Aquaman and Green Arrow, Young Justice focuses on the young heroes attempts to carve out a place for themselves in the superhero universe. After uncovering the devious experiments of the Cadmus group, the team has come under the leadership of Batman as a black ops team, sent to investigate threats that the high profile JLA would be unable to confront.
The series is somewhat under the radar of some fans and may have been mis-interpreted by some as a replacement for the anime-influenced Teen Titans cartoon. But this is something entirely new. The writing and animation is high quality and the overarching plot hints at a complex plot involving a shadowy organization pulling the strings. If you have missed it on the first four episodes, make sure to set your DVR to record the series starting this week.
Preview of Young Justice- episode five- 'Schooled'
Official Synopsis
SUPERBOY's anger over his non-relationship with SUPERMAN is getting out of control. He refuses to train with BLACK CANARY, and when THE TEAM faces an opponent that even the JUSTICE LEAGUE had trouble defeating, the Boy of Steel goes rogue.
The latest episode premieres Friday, February 4th on Cartoon Network. | Thanks for flying with WordPress! |
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