Sunday, June 26, 2011

[New post] Doctor Who Big Finish- The Sandman

Doctor Who Big Finish- The Sandman

The Sandman

"I hate to disappoint you, Evelyn... But I am every bit the monster they believe me to be..."
Story 37
Written by: Simon A. Forward
Released: October 2002

The Doctor takes his companion Evelyn on what is secretly a regularly scheduled maintenance trip, following up on unfinished business. Arriving in the middle of a vast fleet of gypsy starships known as The Clutch, Evelyn slowly discovers that the Doctor, a strange alien traveler that she has become familiar with as a close friend and companion, is known as a dark, terrifying creature who is feared by an entire race as 'The Sandman.' The Doctor has apparently interfered with the conflict between two races long ago and has been keeping tabs on them to make sure that his actions are still working and that they still fear him. Unfortunately, another party has decided to use his notion but rather than serving as a psychological boogie man, this one is a very dangerous killer. Faced with the irrevocable results of his previous actions, the Doctor must maintain his reputation as a superhuman entity while stopping another mystery man with similar ambitions.

The identity of the Doctor as a kind of superhuman force of nature is a tricky road to maneuver through. It has been attempted with the Seventh Doctor on screen and to a much greater degree in print and of course more recently in the BBC Wales version of the character as the Tenth Doctor. Simon Forward approaches the same notion from a rather mature and intelligent approach with much greater success.

The Sandman is a fascinating adventure rich in atmosphere and history that gives the listener the impression that the Doctor Who universe is a far more vast and lush setting than has usually been seen. This is accomplished in language as the terminology used by the alien races is rich and bizarre, developing a world that the audience can easily relate to and honor at the same time. It is also accomplished by the performers who are in good form here with Colin Baker, a thespian with a Shakespearean tenor, the true star.

On screen, the Sixth Doctor was a mixed bag as he was such a departure from the more traditional and realistic Fifth Doctor who had preceded him. In the Big Finish audio format, Colin Baker has found his home and rules with a blessed instrument, his voice. The actor obviously relishes the opportunity to stretch to the grand moments of challenging a horde of alien marauders, but is also deeply invested in the more personal moments where he attempts to relate to Evelyn, played once again by the wonderful Maggie Stables.

What is truly wonderful here is that the Sixth Doctor hardly asks for forgiveness for his actions or even shows any signs of true guilt. The BBC Wales approach would instead offer up long mournful moments focused on the Doctor looking out on the horizon, fighting back tears while pouting. The Sixth Doctor is a much more complex and satisfying incarnation who plays by a different rule book for far greater stakes. It is adventures like this that make me yearn for more Colin Baker stories and thankfully the actor currently shows no signs of stopping any time soon.

Doctor Who – The Sandman can be purchased at local retailers such as Mike's Comics and online from Big Finish.

Read other Big Finish reviews at the Daily P.O.P. 

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