Superman, as designed by Alex Toth in 1971

With the revised history of DC Comics, it's important to remember the simpler days. This version of Superman's origin comes from the 1973 episode of Super Friends. Closely based on the silver age comics version, this version includes the classic rocket, the poorly managed comedy orphanage and the super strong baby from Krypton. It's awesome.

For my generation, the Super Friends cartoon was the most popular and revered form of superhero lore. It was in this series that I learned of Green Lantern, the Flash and more. More importantly, it presented a team of superheroes working together to fight a common foe. I had already watched my share of Aquaman, Superman and Batman 'toons and even the obscure Hawkman, Green Lantern, Flash and the Atom ones as well, but seeing them all together was a trip. It's incredibly hokey and only really comes into its own in the Challenge of the Super Friends series that introduced super villains led by Lex Luthor, but I have a soft spot for it.

One interesting note is that apparently America's Top Forty disc jockey Kasey Kasum, well known for his voicing Robin the Boy Wonder and Shaggy, doubled up on several cartoons, especially this one.

Super Friend Marvin tells the origin of the man of steel.


Super Friends!: Season One, Vol. One

Challenge of the Super Friends