Past Superman II, Superman movies have, to be honest, been disappointing. The reboot starring Henry Cavill as Superman, promises to change that trend by connecting the character to real world consequences, offering up an answer to what any of us would do with Superman's immense power. Michael Shannon will co-star as General Zod, the memorable villain previous played by Terrance Stamp.

Hot on the heels of their Dark Knight trilogy, screenwriter David S. Goyer and director Christopher Nolan grandfathered production that Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen) later took over. The movie is a straight reboot rather than connecting to the previous films as Superman Returns had.

Man of Steel has a June, 2013 release date. Next Summer will also feature Iron Man 3, Star Trek 2, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Wolverine and Thor: The Dark World.