I am a big fan of the Plaid Stallion blog, a place where I can reminisce over old Star Wars newspaper ads, watch crusty off-air videos of Mego dolls and leer at the weirdest vintage lingerie ads I have ever seem. This week, a podcast was started up and happily enough it is about a fan favorite topic, Doctor Who.


An o-air shot of Sarah Jane Smith in Pyramids of Mars

As an American fan, I am most familiar with the PBS airings of Tom Baker which ran from 1978 until Peter Davison was introduced in the 80's. The podcast is fascinating because it is about the experience of growing up with the program and how it differed in Canada, where it started much earlier with Jon Pertwee episodes as well as being preceded by... get this... an educational introduction.

Give this a listen, visit the blog, and be happy.

Also, please feel free to chime in with your stories about what your childhood relationship is with Doctor Who, where you grew up, and how it impacted your life.