Friday, April 15, 2011

[New post] Doctor Who Big Finish- Whispers of Terror

Doctor Who Big Finish- Whispers of Terror

Whispers of Terror

Story 03 Written by Justin Richards

Released: November 1999

"-something grand school of acting (no doubt). Loud. Bombastic... not my sort of thing, really."

As he was the lead actor during one of its most unfortunate drops in viewing figures, Colin Baker is often regarded as one of the less successful actors to play the Doctor. Following the departure of Peter Davison as the Doctor in 1984, Baker's entrance was one of violence and vulgar extravagance. After donning decrying the shame he felt regarding his previous incarnation, he donned a tasteless costume and proceeded to attack his companion Peri (whom he had only just sacrificed his life for in the previous adventure). It is understandable that a large portion of fandom shares a kind of revulsion to the Sixth Doctor, but he remains one of the most dynamic and potent versions of the character, as exemplified in adventures such as Whispers of Terror, that match his boundless intellect with a clever mystery.

The Doctor and Peri arrive within The Museum of Aural Antiquities just as a drastic political change. Set during an early stage of their 'relationship,' the pair are at odds with each other almost immediately. The Doctor is constantly screaming at Peri while she vainly attempts to get information from him. It's easy to define this as an abusive relationship but that would forget that the Doctor is a genius of nearly 900 years while his companion is a teenager of privilege possessing nearly no survival skills. It has also been hinted that the Doctor is merely putting on an act and has shown he dearly cares for Peri and holds her safety paramount in his concerns.

Soon after arriving at the museum, the time travelers discover a murder victim. Shortly afterwards, they find a suspicious individual editing audio files. Initially murder suspects, they soon prove themselves to be indefensible in finding the culprit behind the murder and a more sinister grab for power.

Justin Richards' script is simply stunning. His blend of twisting mysteries, inspired fantastic concepts and extravagant dialog makes Whispers of Terror a rather gripping adventure. An ingenious concept, Whispers of Terror involves a villain/monster fueled with murderous rage and consisting of only sound. The idea is great, but even better is the execution by Big Finish who prove up for the task, providing dizzying aural landscapes of fright that travel from ear to ear with each track.

An excellent adventure in the vein of the 22nd series of Doctor Who, Whispers of Terror is another accomplishment in a long series of comeuppances for Colin Baker's Sixth Doctor. A multi-colored action man with a penchant for verbose dialog and grand drama. A triumph!

Doctor Who - Whispers of Terror can be purchased at local retailers and online from Big Finish.

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